maybe I enjoy it just a bit too much
Dusklight Security

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// go get your gun, get your gun //
Yes. Apparently there’s a record book in the Atheneum that has gone over some of the history. I haven’t read it, but he mentioned it to me after I mentioned you.” He offers easily, flashing that sharp and easy grin back at her as they walk. It’s a smile that remains, even as her tone drifts a bit quieter and contemplative, recalling the destruction that had occurred. Astaroth hadn’t been around for that, but he does know a little something about chaos. “You would be surprised about what manages to survive in the chaos.” A knowing glance is offered her way.

Regardless, he takes her lead, avoiding getting run over by carts and people, even if he sticks out and towers over the majority with his height, he’s still just as polite as she is as they walk side by side – a gentleman and a duchess. “I do believe I caught a glimpse of you, yes.” He says as his voice drops as well, dark eyes sliding toward where she directs to spot the grazing herd, before he silently starts to shift.

Volcanic armored paws, red with heat start to wilt the dune grasses beneath his feet – but ever the predator, Astaroth makes his way around a dune to remain concealed, hidden away from the herd until he can strike, hunting like any diligent ambush kind of predator. And when he does, it’s with a snarl as he strikes out toward one of the ramphires, sending them all in a flurry, but the one in particular aimed directly toward running into Isla who has hopefully turned into her feline shift.
// and lets find out what it does //

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RE: maybe I enjoy it just a bit too much - by Astaroth - 05-13-2024, 11:24 PM

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