Drop laughing all the way
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
Change author:
Posts: 2,160 | Total: 7,770
MP: 3830
When neither Flora nor Danta responded to his overtures Tal scowled and went back to work, trying to grab more presents. They kept getting snatched up by other people, however, and he kept getting distracted by trying to prevent Boreal from eating the ones she had set her sights - well, nose - on. "Hey! Not yours!" he scolded, right before hearing a similar familiar sentiment from nearby. He looked up in time to flash a grin of wry camaraderie at Koa...

Which was when he spotted the incoming snowballs.

"Oh, hail, not again," he groaned, hunkering down with the single package he'd managed to hold onto and shamelessly hiding behind his dragon. Boreal had stuck her head into the snow up to her horns, apparently scenting a mouse beneath the blanket of white, and was blissfully oblivious to the incoming enfilade.

Tal chooses option #3 and Stays Put!

Messages In This Thread
laughing all the way - by Random Event - 05-10-2024, 06:36 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Dantalion - 05-10-2024, 07:05 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Fox - 05-10-2024, 07:09 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Astaroth - 05-10-2024, 07:16 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Flora - 05-10-2024, 07:22 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Kiada - 05-10-2024, 07:26 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Talyson - 05-10-2024, 07:38 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Everest - 05-10-2024, 07:39 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Hadama - 05-10-2024, 09:38 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Maea - 05-10-2024, 10:09 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Deimos - 05-10-2024, 11:22 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Melita - 05-10-2024, 11:47 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Lena - 05-11-2024, 12:12 AM
RE: laughing all the way - by Ophelia - 05-11-2024, 08:53 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Ellyra - 05-11-2024, 09:04 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Thalassa - 05-12-2024, 02:32 AM
RE: laughing all the way - by Zavien - 05-12-2024, 03:13 AM
RE: laughing all the way - by Koa - 05-12-2024, 04:56 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Random Event - 05-13-2024, 06:03 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Everest - 05-13-2024, 06:17 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Dantalion - 05-13-2024, 06:31 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Flora - 05-13-2024, 06:38 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Fox - 05-13-2024, 06:53 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Ophelia - 05-13-2024, 06:54 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Maea - 05-13-2024, 07:29 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Hadama - 05-13-2024, 09:04 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Astaroth - 05-13-2024, 10:35 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Ellyra - 05-13-2024, 10:52 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Deimos - 05-13-2024, 11:39 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Melita - 05-14-2024, 12:08 AM
RE: laughing all the way - by Lena - 05-14-2024, 12:12 AM
RE: laughing all the way - by Kiada - 05-14-2024, 12:50 AM
RE: laughing all the way - by Talyson - 05-14-2024, 04:44 AM
RE: laughing all the way - by Koa - 05-14-2024, 04:04 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Thalassa - 05-14-2024, 07:32 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Zavien - 05-14-2024, 07:42 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Random Event - 05-17-2024, 05:59 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Everest - 05-17-2024, 06:06 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Flora - 05-17-2024, 06:16 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Hadama - 05-17-2024, 06:23 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Fox - 05-17-2024, 06:44 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Deimos - 05-17-2024, 08:44 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Melita - 05-17-2024, 08:50 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Lena - 05-17-2024, 09:28 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Talyson - 05-18-2024, 04:28 AM
RE: laughing all the way - by Astaroth - 05-18-2024, 04:29 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Thalassa - 05-18-2024, 05:06 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Zavien - 05-18-2024, 05:15 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Kiada - 05-18-2024, 05:17 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Koa - 05-18-2024, 05:52 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Random Event - 05-21-2024, 08:11 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Astaroth - 05-21-2024, 08:28 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Melita - 05-21-2024, 10:14 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Deimos - 05-21-2024, 10:46 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Talyson - 05-22-2024, 07:56 PM
RE: laughing all the way - by Zavien - 05-23-2024, 09:45 AM
RE: laughing all the way - by Thalassa - 05-23-2024, 10:04 AM
RE: laughing all the way - by Random Event - 05-31-2024, 06:08 PM

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