you can hear 'em like a ghost

Age: 26 | Height: 4'11 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: — - Strg: — - Dext: — - Endr: — - Luck: — - Int:
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MP: 2609
i can make the badguys good for a weekend
Tossing her head back and laughing with the sort of sparkle that has more than a few eyes looking her way as Danta twirls her on the end of one hand, no doubt there will be a handful of inquiries about whether or not Charlie was a new employee, and what Danta had thought of her interview.

"Twice, just to be sure." Charlie grins right back. As they pass through, Danta is quite correct to assume that the priestess requires no handholding. In fact, the only questions she has are about the more modern devices that are on offer, though quickly she understands their use and suggests ways she might incorporate them into group activities during the orgy she's already planning. "Great form!" Charlie calls encouragingly as they pass by a few rooms, whereas by others she just gives an energetic thumbs up.

"Imagine a massive line of those—" She whispers as they pass the room with harnesses hung from the ceiling. "We could all move together in the same rhythm." With a sigh that's as aroused at the thought, as it is disappointed in the changes in how their kind worships, Charlie quickly shrugs off her melancholy in light of optimism.

"Thanks! I really appreciate it. I probably will. It'll be nice to have all the company around, too." And not just for sex. Raising her eyebrows conspiratorily, Charlie's lips part at the sound, only to grasp hold of Danta's hand with a laugh as they scurry away.
Hella golden retriever energy. Small unrefined horns made of ruby. Regular spade-shaped tail.

Messages In This Thread
you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Dantalion - 05-19-2024, 05:03 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Charlie - 05-19-2024, 05:12 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Dantalion - 05-19-2024, 05:22 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Charlie - 05-19-2024, 05:31 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Dantalion - 05-19-2024, 05:37 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Charlie - 05-19-2024, 05:44 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Dantalion - 05-19-2024, 05:53 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Charlie - 05-19-2024, 06:01 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Dantalion - 05-19-2024, 06:07 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Charlie - 05-19-2024, 06:20 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Dantalion - 05-19-2024, 06:30 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Charlie - 05-19-2024, 06:45 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Dantalion - 05-19-2024, 06:53 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Charlie - 05-19-2024, 07:26 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Dantalion - 05-19-2024, 07:34 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Charlie - 05-19-2024, 07:44 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Dantalion - 05-19-2024, 07:50 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Charlie - 05-20-2024, 01:52 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Dantalion - 05-20-2024, 07:08 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Charlie - 05-20-2024, 07:27 PM
RE: you can hear 'em like a ghost - by Dantalion - 05-20-2024, 07:47 PM

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