maybe I enjoy it just a bit too much
Dusklight Security

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you made your choice
I find that corralling is much easier than chasing, but often requires more than one party.” He sighs a bit wistfully. It had worked, though, between the two of them – and it was far easier than his usual tackling of deer back in the Grounds when it came to his bloodlust, and so his appreciation is clear in his tone of voice.

But she makes a suggestion and he meets her fanged smile with the sharp version of his own, inclining his head in agreement. “I will let you know when I am within your shores.” It’s a date, sort of. A blood thirsty date whenever in Torchline, and truthfully it’s a perfect little way for Astaroth to indulge in food of a different kind and get to learn more about Isla aside from her wonderful taste in fashion and tea.

Which, speaking of, the grin broadens as he readjusts his clothes and the cane, offering her his arm so that she might take it as he nods. “I would love that, my dear. Lead the way.” Happy to follow her wherever the tea shop is, Astaroth tries his best to keep his excitement from being read on his face.
do you regret it yet?

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RE: maybe I enjoy it just a bit too much - by Astaroth - 05-19-2024, 10:48 PM

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