(SE) tell me you're scared, I'll tell you the same things
Hotaru <333
Hotaru Kaito
the Valkyrie
Masseuse / Headmistress

Age: 33 | Height: 5'2 | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 4 - Strg: 40 - Dext: 40 - Endr: 57 - Luck: 40 - Int:
Played by: Brit Offline
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Posts: 2,341 | Total: 6,493
MP: 8062

The small smile that blooms from the gentle kiss he lays upon her brow softens at the compliment he pays her. It's true that devotion has never been a problem for Hotaru. Though she is exceedingly particular with who is worthy of it, love and fealty have always been all-or-nothing for her. Aside from broken-hearted hookups she hadn't even dated until, ironically, just before they made amends. Ru wants to tell him that she hasn't feared his heart straying since that moment but the gift is already in her hands. Something so precious can't possibly be diminished, even if it would be to praise him for the ways he has grown since the war.

"No," she agrees, and her eyes can't even dream of leaving his. Her knuckles shift gently against his stubbled cheek in a mindless act of adoration. "It has always been yours." Since that day in the Wildwood, she suspects, though she hadn't known it at the time.

His love is like the ocean's waves washing over her, and she knows it must be intentional with how he steels himself. A touchstone for her to hold onto as he shares the rest in one fell swoop; and if it rocks her, at least she has his heart to cling to, still pressed tightly to her chest. It takes a long few moments of consideration before she feels ready to speak. Certain he will wait patiently given how they have bled endlessly to learn these clearer avenues of communication. "If Frey is not concerned, then my own worries...well, they won't disappear, but I trust them." More than anything, come hell or high water. Even with this. No matter how daunting it is to trust them when it comes to this man she loves so dearly. "Rae healed Flora though. I'm not sure why they would change their mind on whether it's a threat or not, unless they know something more...?" Her expression communicates the helplessness of their collective lack of information. Is it something to do with Sunjata himself? Perhaps because he's a demigod and Flora is not?

"But I have your heart. I have you. Nobody else can have you that way, not even the Family." And maybe that will be all that matters. Maybe it will ensure that wherever this threat - or evolution - takes them, they'll be hand-in-hand at the end of it this time around.
Pull you in, but don't you get too close
Love you now, but not tomorrow
Hotaru has a passive magic that makes her glow with an internal golden light; it makes her appear youthful and her hair seems to look like moving sunlight. Can only subtly illuminate dark spaces.

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RE: (SE) tell me you're scared, I'll tell you the same things - by Hotaru - 05-29-2024, 10:15 PM

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