[RQ] One rock, two rock, red rock, blue rock

Age: 20 | Height: 5'8 | Race: Mermaid | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 0 - Strg: 10 - Dext: 10 - Endr: 10 - Luck: 5 - Int:
Played by: Chan Offline
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Posts: 24 | Total: 6,484
MP: 1847
Strange as it may seem
horror loses its power to frighten
Nysa had chosen to shift fully, and the large pacific octupus trailed after Hadama with tentacles rippling in the current. Her scarlet coloration made her easy to spot in the clear waters, and while it made holding the sack a bit awkward, it was preferable to scraping up her skin on the rocks.
"Briefly," she replied, with supreme lack of interest. "He begged for food at Ludo's festival like it was a common fair, didn't he. Uncouth."

Drifting off along the shore, she began to pluck stones from the shallows. Normally she would have done anything to weasel out of the task because it reminded far too much of actual work, but she'd seen enough of the purple-black things that infested the waters lately to decide she wanted nothing to do with them. Like, come on, purple and black? That was just tacky. Plus they were weird, and nasty, and some people had even been bit by them. No thank you.
when repeated too often

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RE: [RQ] One rock, two rock, red rock, blue rock - by Nysadeia - 05-31-2024, 07:16 PM

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