concealed by your slight of hand
the Maverick
Theocrat of the Hollowed Grounds

Age: 36 | Height: 6'0 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 17 - Dext: 21 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 20 - Int:
MOIRA - Regular - Crow
Played by: Honey Offline
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Posts: 975 | Total: 17,521
MP: 1881
in space the stars are no nearer; just glitters, like a morgue
"It's too close," Danta hisses, accepting the cane right back and wondering where in his office he might put it to good use, before Asta is asking what happened and the Maverick is left trying to find the words. Nothing, he wants to snap, while simultaneously wanting to tell him all of it and then some. Eventually, and with a snarl of frustration, he slouches back against the edge of the desk beside the other man, both hands clasping the top of the cane.

"At which point? When she accused me of cowardice for not wanting to die to Dahlia, or when she assumed I buried my head in the sand about all of this because it wasn't the time for a fight?" He scoffs. "Oh, or when she called this place a cage? Or said it wasn't a life worth living, to choose to bend rather than break?" That had been the kicker, in truth.

Having lived his life under the thumb for years, Danta is not above admitting that it had touched a nerve.

But only to Asta.
Horns: Diamond - they look very similar to #2 in this image.

Messages In This Thread
concealed by your slight of hand - by Astaroth - 06-01-2024, 05:01 PM
RE: concealed by your slight of hand - by Dantalion - 06-01-2024, 05:52 PM

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