smokescreens and chances
Quest thread for Maea
Maea Valair

Age: 30 | Height: 156 cm / 5'1 ft | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 6 - Strg: 25 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 26 - Luck: 23 - Int:
Played by: Chan Offline
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Posts: 3,605 | Total: 6,484
MP: 1847
Oh, you say you have to fall apart to really be someone
Squinting against the cold wind that irritated her eyes, her irritation was palpable though she did her best to keep it at bay. "Of course I find issue with that. The meeting was supposed to be secret, so she shouldn't have been able to walk in on it in the first place. Frankly I had expected more to speak up against her presence, but since the majority didn't do anything it seemed to me that the best solution was to remove myself. To not aggravate things further. Not that it was my idea - if Hadama hadn't suggested it I wouldn't have even thought to leave." And she had quickly come to her senses, not that it made a speck of difference. The damage had already been made. But to hear Deimos speak it was as if she'd planned the whole thing just so that it would fail, which had her bristling on the inside.

"I was the annoying person in the room, was I not? What point is there in terrorizing leaders who already won't fight?" While she understood the hesitation given the infant's presence, it was still hard to swallow the resounding silence as one leader after another had done nothing. All of them were more powerful and accomplished than herself - yet she had been the only one to raise her voice.
Base by Odd
♦ Violence, magic, thievery is permitted with Maea at all times. DM me if you have any ideas ♦

Messages In This Thread
smokescreens and chances - by Deimos - 05-28-2024, 10:09 PM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Maea - 05-30-2024, 12:05 AM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Deimos - 05-30-2024, 11:34 PM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Maea - 05-31-2024, 04:35 PM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Deimos - 06-01-2024, 12:02 AM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Maea - 06-01-2024, 01:29 AM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Deimos - 06-01-2024, 07:02 PM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Maea - 06-01-2024, 07:27 PM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Deimos - 06-01-2024, 07:48 PM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Maea - 06-01-2024, 08:40 PM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Deimos - 06-01-2024, 09:02 PM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Maea - 06-01-2024, 09:45 PM
RE: smokescreens and chances - by Deimos - 06-01-2024, 10:00 PM

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