To Evie and Deimos
Evie Ignatius
the Evergreen
Warden of Halo / Apothecarist

Age: 35 | Height: 5'5 | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Halo
Level: 8 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 20 - Endr: 30 - Luck: 30 - Int:
MICAH - Regular - Tide Jaguar
Played by: Brit Offline
Change author:
Posts: 1,299 | Total: 6,505
MP: 8062


I am not ready to forgive. As a woman, or as a Warden.

For now, the Ignatius family would like time and space.

Messages In This Thread
To Evie and Deimos - by Hadama - 06-02-2024, 09:59 PM
RE: To Evie and Deimos - by Evie - 06-03-2024, 12:53 AM

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