(SE) tell me you're scared, I'll tell you the same things
Hotaru <333
Hotaru Kaito
the Valkyrie
Masseuse / Headmistress

Age: 33 | Height: 5'2 | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 4 - Strg: 40 - Dext: 40 - Endr: 57 - Luck: 40 - Int:
Played by: Brit Offline
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Posts: 2,341 | Total: 6,493
MP: 8062

It is all theory and conjecture, and Hotaru hates that. She trusts Frey implicitly, but it still rankles and burns to be left adrift with only her uncertainties to keep her company. Though she follows Frey's sexual component more closely, she can't deny the environmental component he brings up, and she concedes with a soft hum that is slightly troubled but otherwise noncommittal. "It leaves you at an advantage if they're right." Evolution is the only clear path to survival and that's all that matters to the Valkyrie is his continued existence. It's a cold comfort, but comfort nonetheless.

She meets his kiss with the same fervor bordering on desperation. She has to remind herself this isn't the same as a goodbye, or any of the gestures that people had taken in the hours before the dawn of war. It's hard not to fall into those habits when they are both so used to loss. "We'll get through it together, no matter what comes," she whispers against his mouth as she leans down to kiss him again. Inhaling slowly, she chases away the lingering sense of doom and her jaw feathers with reinforced focus. "What should I expect? Any changes I need to be aware of?" Anything less vague than being purple? If it's anything outward, she needs to be prepared to defend him or distract people away from anything emergent or concerning.
Pull you in, but don't you get too close
Love you now, but not tomorrow
Hotaru has a passive magic that makes her glow with an internal golden light; it makes her appear youthful and her hair seems to look like moving sunlight. Can only subtly illuminate dark spaces.

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RE: (SE) tell me you're scared, I'll tell you the same things - by Hotaru - 06-03-2024, 04:45 AM

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