concealed by your slight of hand
Dusklight Security

Age: 39 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 4 - Strg: 15 - Dext: 15 - Endr: 14 - Luck: 17 - Int:
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// up above so, up above so quiet //
They don’t make eye contact, but Astaroth doesn’t mind. His hand remains at Danta’s chin, clinging to the warmth and the quiet question aired between them. And he’s patient for as long as need be to receive an answer, which mercifully doesn’t take too long.

The Maverick slouches and the Butcher lips an arm around him, nosing his bloodied head in to nuzzle against the other man’s cheek. Withdrawing and offering an arm for the other man, he swallows down a deep breath of the cool air, waiting until Danta’s standing before he envelops the boneless Ancient in his arms. “Do you want to be carried for a portion or would you prefer the walk?” He asks gently, already planning the trek through the woods to prevent any footsteps from being seen around the body.

He doesn’t mind either way what the Maverick decides, sated to the point of content regardless of any choices, like a satisfied cat.
// down below so, down below so violent //

Messages In This Thread
concealed by your slight of hand - by Astaroth - 06-01-2024, 05:01 PM
RE: concealed by your slight of hand - by Astaroth - 06-03-2024, 07:49 PM

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