Plot Advancing PQ Lucky charm
the Tidebreaker
King of the Merfolk / Chef

Age: 38 | Height: 6'6" | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 4 - Strg: 45 - Dext: 38 - Endr: 50 - Luck: 51 - Int: 0
Played by: Cirago Offline
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Posts: 1,503 | Total: 7,757
MP: 3825
Now that the largest pieces had been generally sorted out Maea would find it easier to move forward with applying the cement to hold them in place. As each new piece was added the puzzle became a little simpler, with fewer pieces to choose from and their shapes more easily recognizable. The biggest chunks needed to be stabilized while the fountain was rebuilt, but the replacement stones that they had brought from Apopo were used to fill in the missing pieces and the fountain began to slowly regain its shape.

Although it was technically a fountain that had received Safrin's blessing, Maea would find amidst the pieces at the base a few stones bearing a certain inscription once they were reassembled: LUDO WOZ HERE.

Thalassa was due for a break after all her hard work breaking rocks, and sitting to tend the fire was the perfect job for her. Whether it was from her affinity as an Ancient or some other skill, she had no trouble managing the flames and keeping them fed. The fire burned steadily and without interruption while the cauldron bubbled slowly, turning the slurry of water and freshly-ground rocks into the dark cement that would reunite the fountain's pieces once more.

It was Hadama who had the most difficulty with his task of stirring the cement. He had more than enough strength to push the large stick through the heavy mixture but he was distracted by offering direction to the townsfolk who moved in and out among the fountain pieces. He was also naturally inclined to stir slowly, unfamiliar with the proper consistency of the material. The slurry almost set up twice, delaying the finishing touches of the fountain before he realized that he was causing more problems than he was solving at his post.

"I will work on the water we will need for the rum," he decided after the third near-disaster with the cement. "If anyone would like to change tasks, now is a good time."

It looks like the fountain needs one last push to finish rebuilding it! The bottom basin and first tier are done, now the two smaller top tiers need to be reconstructed.

Continue with your current task or change it up and try something else to help finish the construction!

Messages In This Thread
Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-02-2024, 07:58 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-02-2024, 08:12 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-02-2024, 09:41 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-02-2024, 10:20 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-02-2024, 10:35 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-02-2024, 10:47 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-02-2024, 11:58 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-03-2024, 12:23 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-03-2024, 03:47 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-03-2024, 05:47 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-03-2024, 06:32 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-04-2024, 12:41 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-04-2024, 07:28 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-04-2024, 08:15 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-05-2024, 03:11 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-05-2024, 03:51 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-05-2024, 04:22 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-05-2024, 05:04 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-05-2024, 05:28 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-05-2024, 05:40 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-05-2024, 11:01 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-05-2024, 08:47 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-05-2024, 11:23 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-06-2024, 02:46 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-06-2024, 04:23 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-06-2024, 06:33 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-06-2024, 04:32 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-07-2024, 04:54 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-07-2024, 03:13 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-07-2024, 05:44 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-07-2024, 08:21 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-07-2024, 08:37 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-07-2024, 09:10 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-07-2024, 11:05 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-07-2024, 11:58 PM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-08-2024, 12:29 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-08-2024, 02:00 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-08-2024, 02:32 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-08-2024, 11:00 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-09-2024, 02:03 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Thalassa - 06-09-2024, 02:50 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Maea - 06-09-2024, 05:22 AM
RE: Lucky charm - by Hadama - 06-09-2024, 08:23 PM

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