[SE] and so much more
open gratitude SE thread!
Zavien Alexander

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 17 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 17 - Luck: 8 - Int:
Played by: Dew Offline
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Posts: 183 | Total: 402
MP: 830
I can't control their fear, only my own.
His eyebrows raised in surprise. "It sounds like you know them well. Do you always pray to Frey?" He usually found himself praying to Vi because of their connection with life, but he didn't really have 'favorites' amongst the gods. However, Lena appeared to speak about Frey with familiar fondness that had him curious.

Zavien felt himself starting to relax, his shoulders releasing their tension and his face softening. He settled beside the pool again to gaze into its depths once more. "I see. Did you get what you came for?" Her bag looked full and the offerings fresh, so he assumed that she had. It was more a distracted question as he spotted the different gems sitting beneath the water's surface, casting the surrounding rocks in continued rainbows. He picked up a green gem just outside the water, tilting it in his hand to catch the light.

The topic of Hadama made him nervous of Lena's opinion, which he valued very much at this point. With reluctance, he said, "Yeah... I think we just need to clarify our... arrangement."

Messages In This Thread
[SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-01-2024, 10:37 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-05-2024, 04:34 AM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-05-2024, 10:08 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-06-2024, 06:00 AM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-08-2024, 10:22 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-09-2024, 12:14 AM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-09-2024, 06:57 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-09-2024, 07:43 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-15-2024, 05:27 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-15-2024, 06:53 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-15-2024, 09:54 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-16-2024, 12:17 AM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-16-2024, 10:49 AM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-16-2024, 04:22 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-16-2024, 07:22 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-18-2024, 12:40 AM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-18-2024, 07:20 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-18-2024, 09:42 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-19-2024, 12:35 AM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-19-2024, 10:21 AM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-19-2024, 06:45 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-20-2024, 01:08 AM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-20-2024, 12:12 PM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Zavien - 06-21-2024, 07:52 AM
RE: [SE] and so much more - by Lena - 06-22-2024, 05:31 PM

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