Come Fly With Me
For Talyson
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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Posts: 2,151 | Total: 7,757
MP: 3825
Tal didn’t know what to say in the face of Zavien’s patience and understanding so he just nodded awkwardly. A softly mumbled ”...’anks,” escaped but he kept his be-Goggled eyes down so he didn’t accidentally meet his friend’s earnest gaze. He wasn’t sure he could bear it just then, and since he wasn’t finding anything down below to draw their attention to, he hurried to change the subject instead.

Boreal approved, since the new topic resulted in scritches. She rumbled happily, leaning heavily into Zavien’s hip while the boys talked about weapons and gods and other things that were above her pay grade. Although she did like visiting the gods. They tended to offer her treats, too!

Tal wrinkled his nose, his scowl returning - but this time it was his usual look of deep thought, not an indicator of his mood. ”Yeah, I’m pretty crap with a bow, too. But a magic sword would be pretty cool!” He leaned over the rail as a flicker of color below caught his eye but quickly pulled back with a shake of his head as the flash of red turned out to be a bird frantically trying to avoid the grasping tendrils of void-infected vines. ”Uh. Well, if y’don’t want t’lose it… maybe have somethin’ like a ring that y’can call the sword out of?” Mel had something similar in the form of a bow-bracelet, he thought he remembered, before cringing away from the memory of his attempt to ask her out. ”Or, like… give the sword a blade of air?” He glanced over at his friend, dark brows rising above his Goggles. ”Air magic’s pretty effective against th’Void, I think.” At least, it had been against Seren’s weird little void-sphere.

Messages In This Thread
Come Fly With Me - by Zavien - 06-07-2024, 07:47 PM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Talyson - 06-09-2024, 10:49 PM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Zavien - 06-09-2024, 11:42 PM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Talyson - 06-10-2024, 05:36 AM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Serendipity - 06-10-2024, 05:36 AM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Zavien - 06-10-2024, 06:13 AM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Talyson - 06-14-2024, 01:22 PM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Zavien - 06-14-2024, 07:15 PM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Talyson - 06-14-2024, 07:27 PM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Zavien - 06-14-2024, 07:34 PM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Talyson - 06-14-2024, 07:35 PM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Zavien - 06-14-2024, 07:37 PM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Talyson - 06-14-2024, 07:39 PM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Zavien - 06-14-2024, 08:21 PM
RE: Come Fly With Me - by Talyson - 06-15-2024, 04:16 AM

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