flower, gleam and glow
Family <3
Pierce Inanis

Age: 1 | Height: 5'10 | Race: f̴̢̠̅͆̄̍a̶̧͕͙̪͈̞̝̲̩̯̱͓̣̅́̎m̶̙̞̈́̍̓̏̓̿i̵͇͍̗̞͑͊̒̃̏̽̂͂͗̕͝͝l̵̢̛̤̞̜̭͈̻͕̳̱̞̭̼͗̎̆̎̀̌̓̑́̈́͝y̵̧͔̜̜͓̥̋̈́̐͛͋͂͠͠ | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Nomadic
Level: 15 - Strg: 90 - Dext: 50 - Endr: 100 - Luck: 46 - Int:
Played by: Admin Offline
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Posts: 37 | Total: 3,321
MP: 0
Focusing on the task at hand, Pierce is more than content to do whatever Dahlia wished – they share a common goal, after all. And with her confession, a smile perks on the corners of his lips, hands darkened by the soil he tills up for her to dig her the spots required. “They do, don’t they?” Comes the deep baritone of his voice, laughing lightly. “The people need a little nudging too now and then.” Not that Pierce was complaining, he preferred to result into brute force if necessary.

But today they are cultivating, and he sits back on his heels as Dahlia places the oval addition into the soil, then carefully covered as Pierce adds his own little addition of smoothing out the soil, nodding his head immediately to her comment. “We are always lucky, aren’t we?” Comes the playful tease, the flex of a muscle as he stands and shakes his head to her gesture. “After you, Reaper.” Flashing another amused smile and the bounce of his brow, he easily takes her arm in his as they leave behind their cultivated additions to explore more of the jungle before she has to depart.

- FIN!

Messages In This Thread
flower, gleam and glow - by Dahlia - 06-18-2024, 08:22 PM
RE: flower, gleam and glow - by Pierce - 06-18-2024, 09:06 PM
RE: flower, gleam and glow - by Dahlia - 06-20-2024, 10:38 PM
RE: flower, gleam and glow - by Pierce - 06-21-2024, 01:27 AM

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