[SE] Haul out the holly
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 57 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
Change author:
Posts: 2,162 | Total: 7,773
MP: 3950
Tal wasn't against being minted - he was a fan of the flavor in cookies and cocoa - as long as Koa didn't expect him to salute anyone and the only ones who tried to give him orders were his friend and Anju. But that was the unfortunate rub right there: the Dragoons served Stormbreak, and Stormbreak answered to Dahlia. Which meant the Family, whatever and whoever that was.

He wasn't worried about Koa being mad at him, luckily. As the other man tensed up, Tal took a drink of his hot toddy to hide his apologetic grimace at bringing the uncomfortable point up. "Well, I'm glad t'hear it," he said quietly. "I mean, I dunno... I don't think I could stick around here, either, if th'Family got their claws into King's End." dun Dun DUN.

He set his mug down more gently, freeing a hand to rub at the back of his neck as his thoughts were inevitably drawn to Stormbreak's previous ruler. "I... I've been lookin' for Soh ever since I realized she was missin'." Which had taken far too long for him to figure out, and he winced in self-recrimination. "An' I asked Mort 'imself if... well. Anyways, he said she was still alive, at least a couple weeks ago. But whatever that Dahlia's done with 'er, I can't find her. I've been combin' th'Greatwood in case she ended up there. But so far no luck."

Messages In This Thread
[SE] Haul out the holly - by Talyson - 05-20-2024, 11:54 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Koa - 05-21-2024, 03:21 AM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Talyson - 05-21-2024, 03:47 AM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Koa - 05-27-2024, 09:11 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Talyson - 05-30-2024, 02:38 AM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Koa - 06-01-2024, 01:04 AM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Talyson - 06-02-2024, 01:55 AM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Koa - 06-04-2024, 02:16 AM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Talyson - 06-07-2024, 04:56 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Koa - 06-14-2024, 04:56 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Talyson - 06-14-2024, 08:19 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Koa - 06-14-2024, 10:10 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Talyson - 06-15-2024, 03:46 AM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Koa - 06-24-2024, 05:03 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Talyson - 06-25-2024, 10:19 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Koa - 06-27-2024, 06:37 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Talyson - 06-29-2024, 04:41 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Koa - 07-01-2024, 02:48 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Talyson - 07-01-2024, 09:45 PM
RE: [SE] Haul out the holly - by Koa - Yesterday, 01:57 PM

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