[se] weather sweater
Koa Carpenter

Age: 22 | Height: 6 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 24 - Dext: 20 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 30 - Int:
PIPSQUEAK - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: shark Offline
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MP: 2830
So tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes
No better version of me I could pretend to be tonight
Together they flock to the jewelry store, Koa peering briefly over Thorn's shoulder before wandering off to admire a display of copper arm cuffs set with different stones. He turns one over in his hands, admiring the delicate flowers and their aquamarine petals before Tal's voice has him looking up, surprised recognition on his face.

"Wait, you said Alys? I think I know her!" Thinking back to their kite-flying adventure, he tries to recall the woman. "Dark hair, 'bout this tall?" He holds a hand at clavicle height. "Bear companion? She helped get Pip to fly for the first time!" Which makes her a goddamn goddess in Koa's book. "Damn, Tal, how'd you luck out and land a girl like that?" the Dragoon teases playfully, nudging the courier with a smirk.

Newly re-invested thanks to this context, Koa points to a display of stones streaked with lines of gold. "How 'bout cat's eye? Could do a bracelet--" he picks one up, brown and jade green alternating in a leather band. "See? Matches both your eyes."
No other version of me I would rather be tonight
And, Lord, she found me just in time
Hawthorn Mercer

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11 | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 1 - Strg: 9 - Dext: 14 - Endr: 12 - Luck: 10 - Int:
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// the only heaven i'll be sent to —
Thorn is content to take a back seat while they peruse the wares, at least until Tal asks for his opinion and Koa registers just who Alys is. The conversation has him chuckling lightly to himself – having no point of reference but already holding the woman to high regards given the enthusiasm in which the dragoon speaks of her with. So much in fact that the courtesan sidles up beside Koa, enough that his arm brushes against the Accepted as he peers over at the item.

Oooh. That’s pretty.” He chimes, clasping Koa’s broad shoulder – and damn, is it broad and muscly and Thorn has to bite back the oooh that wants to leave him with the touch. “Lotsa potential to do the same kinda theme too. Get ‘er a necklace like that later on or earrings or somethin’?” He asks, looking over toward the courier with his seafoam gaze, trying to see his reaction.
— is when i'm alone with you //
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 57 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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MP: 3950
The courier definitely perked up when Koa started describing his partner and her companion and he nodded emphatically so that his scruffy hair flopped into his eyes and had to be pushed back again. "Yeah! An', uh... honestly? I got real fuckin' lucky that she said yes," he admitted, the flush in his ears redoubling and spreading to his cheeks. "Believe me, I know she's way too good for me!" But she liked him and they were happy together... or at least, they were happy when they were together, which wasn't nearly as often as it should have been these days.

Koa came to the rescue with a beautiful eye for a romantic gesture that had the courier nodding eagerly as he took the bracelet and rotated it slowly through his fingers, admiring the way the light played off the cat's eye. "This'd be perfect," he murmured, almost pathetically grateful to have a wingman with so much more experience to help him out. Thorn expanded on the potential for future gifts and Tal flashed him a shy grin. "Hail, I didn't even think o'that. You guys're life savers!" Or at least, relationship-savers! "Have, uh, either o'you dated much?"
Koa Carpenter

Age: 22 | Height: 6 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 24 - Dext: 20 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 30 - Int:
PIPSQUEAK - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: shark Offline
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MP: 2830
So tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes
No better version of me I could pretend to be tonight
With Tal now categorized as 'in a committed relationship', Koa is free to admire Hawthorn, starting with the embrace on his shoulder. Raising an eyebrow to the courtesan, he lets himself step a little closer. "Pretty knows pretty," the young man smirks, gaze lingering on the baubles that decorate his ears and neck. Maybe later he'll have to dig into just what the other man can do with those hands.

For now, though, the courier and his love life are the primary objectives. Throwing an arm around Hawthorn's shoulders, the Dragoon grins to Talyson. "That's what friends are for." Though the follow-up question has his smile faltering, a little bit of a grimace marring his handsome face. "Uh... yeah, I've had my share. Nothing too serious, though. I'm not ready to settle," hr adds, because it's better than I can't get anyone to actually commit to me. Plenty of girls and a handful of boys had caught the young man's eye, but when it came to real relationships? There was Flora, who he ruined all real chances with on evening one, and Soh, who had somehow managed to break up with him multiple times, despite the fact they'd never actually gone out.

"How 'bout you, Thorn? Gorgeous guy like you, I'm sure you're beating them off."
No other version of me I would rather be tonight
And, Lord, she found me just in time
Hawthorn Mercer

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11 | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 1 - Strg: 9 - Dext: 14 - Endr: 12 - Luck: 10 - Int:
Played by: Skylark Offline
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Posts: 138 | Total: 14,513
MP: 4642
// the only heaven i'll be sent to —
Thorn can’t relate to the commentary that Tal offers regarding Alys, so he has to take the courier’s word for it, flashing an easy smile and a hum of a laugh before they’re looking at the trinkets and he lingers beside Koa curiously and intentionally. A smirk is flashed toward Koa, appreciative and coy in the way that he leans in enough to murmur a “a pretty boy like you should,” paired with a wink.

But the playful flirting has a time and place and Thorn settles back as Tal decides on it, flashing a bright grin at the first comment Koa says, before a dating question is aimed at them. And he’s glad that Koa fumbles a little first, because Thorn needs a second to think about it, only to come up absolutely empty. And then, to make matters worse, the handsome dragoon has to ask it. “Funnily enough, no.” He says, flashing a teasing grin. “I mean, I got my regulars ‘n stuff, but that’s not datin’, y’know?” As it suddenly occurs to him that he’s never been on a date.

Which is fine by him, he thinks. He won’t know what he’s missing out on if he never starts in the first place, right?
— is when i'm alone with you //
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 57 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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MP: 3950
Oh, they were both definitely pretty and Tal ducked his head to admire the bracelet some more, trying to keep his flush from being too obvious. He always put his foot in his mouth around the blindingly pretty ones so it was only a matter of time before he did it with these two. He just got so flustered!

Luckily Koa was there to not only offer great gift advice, but to distract him from his own spinning thoughts. The courier glanced up, brows pulling together in an empathetic grimace of his own as he read between some lines that maybe the Dragoon's love life wasn't quite as carefree as he'd always assumed. No one made that kind of expression without a good reason, at least. But he accepted the explanation without question and then had to cough to hide the laugh that threatened to strangle him as his friend turned back to Thorn.

Even Tal, oblivious as he was, could eventually see the low-hanging fruit when it was large and pendulous enough to smack him in the face.

Make of that mental image what you will.

He looked at Thorn with a questioning tilt to his head like a dog asked an existential question, then made a quiet "Huh," of understanding. Given the courtesan's profession it made sense in hindsight, but--

Wait. Was Koa making his innuendo at Thorn?


"Hey, I'll just get this paid for," he offered. "How 'bout I meet y'guys at the li'l coffee boat a couple stops down? Thorn, y'know th'one? Ol' Curly's place?"
Koa Carpenter

Age: 22 | Height: 6 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 24 - Dext: 20 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 30 - Int:
PIPSQUEAK - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: shark Offline
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MP: 2830
So tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes
No better version of me I could pretend to be tonight
The simplicity of shallow flirting has Koa well at ease, comforted by the familiar dance of a meaningless, playful exchange. "Barbarians," Koa tsks of Hawthorn's neglectful clients, head shaking in disbelief. "Gorgeous guy like you deserves to be wined and dined. Back home at Molly's, regulars are expected to pamper their partners." His time as a bouncer had seen the removal of many a John who failed to meet his courtesan's expectations.

Tal seems determined to extract himself from the conversation, his discomfort something Koa, mercifully, picks up on. "Oh, coffee sounds great," the Dragoon agrees in, with one more wistful look at the copper band he knows he can't afford.

Nodding to Tal, he throws an arm around Hawthorn's shoulders. "Honestly, though- dating is fun, but more trouble than it's worth." Heading toward the shop exit, he Koa lets the courtesan take the lead "I've got stories that'll make you never want to go on a date again. Like, ok, this one time I took a girl out, and halfway through her mom showed up, and brought a whole family tree along..."
No other version of me I would rather be tonight
And, Lord, she found me just in time
Hawthorn Mercer

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11 | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 1 - Strg: 9 - Dext: 14 - Endr: 12 - Luck: 10 - Int:
Played by: Skylark Offline
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MP: 4642
// the only heaven i'll be sent to —
Snickering to the tsk of Koa’s tone and the jesting, Thorn easily finds amusement in what kind of expectations that Molly’s had. And it makes sense, given what he knows of the place. “Trust me, I get my pamperin’.” He bounces a brow suggestively before a wistful sigh leaves him and he hears Tal’s offer. Looking over his shoulder back at the courier, Thorn flashes him a bright smile and a nod, before he finds his shoulders taken up by Koa’s dreamy brawn. “Yeah I know the one. Makes a great tea latte.” He sighs almost wistfully, before they’re stepping out and Thorn’s tattooed arm slinks around Koa’s middle.

Why d’ya think I’ve avoided it? Can’t handle all those scandals.” Thorn whines, his tone taking on that courtesan’s tone with the whine, as he guides Koa easily toward the little coffee boat toward the end, listening diligently to the stories offered and laughing lightly. “Maybe they thought they were gonna get a free meal too? A buy one get… I dunno, six free?” He imagines the date’s mother and a gaggle of five family members along with. But a thought occurs to him and he squints over at Koa with an amused grin. “I wanna hear more of those nightmare dates.” Stories were one thing that could captivate the courtesan, and if Koa is interested, Thorn thinks he could absolutely listen to him talk all day about nightmare dates and life stories.
— is when i'm alone with you //
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 57 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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MP: 3950
Now that he was clued in to the flirting going on between the two men thanks to Koa's totally suave innuendos it was Tal's turn to try and help a fella out. He flashed the pair an anxious grin, trying not to push them out of the store when they were doing such a great job of distracting each other, but he couldn't stop the sigh of relief when they were out the door.

Damn, but that had been a close one.

He dawdled over by the earrings to give them a chance to get a little further away and his eyes fell on one that he added to his pile without quite thinking too deeply about why. It just seemed right in that moment. Then he sidled over to the armlets and snagged the copper band before dumping the lot on the counter. "An' could y'gift wrap 'em?" he added, barely haggling over the payment in his enthusiasm to get on his way.

A few minutes later he was hustling down the dock, moving easily over the slightly unsteady floating boards as he made his way to the appointed meeting place. The guys were looking awfully cozy but that didn't stop the courier from pulling up a third chair at the little cafe table and sitting in it backwards, looking as smug as a cat with feathers on its whiskers. "Have y'ordered yet?" he inquired, trying and failing to look innocent and play it cool.
Koa Carpenter

Age: 22 | Height: 6 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 24 - Dext: 20 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 30 - Int:
PIPSQUEAK - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: shark Offline
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MP: 2830
So tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes
No better version of me I could pretend to be tonight
"...But yeah, it took weeks to get the smell out," Koa is concluding over his mocha (with Baileys) as Talyson arrives. "And I've never been able to have anything with blushberries since." He shudders dramatically for emphasis, before breaking into a laugh.

Tal settles in like a mouse who found the cheese, leading Koa to raise a brow his direction, speculation in his smile. "You seem quite pleased with yourself," the Dragoon remarks, looking to Thorn for confirmation. "I take it things went well with your purchases?" Clearly something has gotten their friend looking so smug, and presumably it's not just having secured a gift for his lady love.
No other version of me I would rather be tonight
And, Lord, she found me just in time
Hawthorn Mercer

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11 | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 1 - Strg: 9 - Dext: 14 - Endr: 12 - Luck: 10 - Int:
Played by: Skylark Offline
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MP: 4642
// the only heaven i'll be sent to —
Absolutely content with the myriad of stories that Kia has to offer, Thorn settles easily at the dragoons side and sips delicately from his dark and warm coffee, letting it soothe away the chill in the air despite finding quite warm company beside him. Thorn finds himself snickering lightly to the mention of blushberries at precisely the time that Tal makes his return.

Nodding to the Messenger, Thorn’s seafoam gaze turns from Koa to the other man. “Weren’t sure whatcha wanted.” He says, leaving it open for the other man to order anything should he wish to while Koa seems to pick up on something the courtesan hadn’t. His brows pinch and his head tilts and he captures Koa’s questioning look before he nods and focuses more on Tal. “I told ya it was one of the best around here.” Thorn says with all the cockiness he can muster, flashing a crooked grin at Tal and gesturing with a hand for him to show them what he’d picked up for Alys. “C’mon, let’s see whatcha got.
— is when i'm alone with you //
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 57 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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MP: 3950
"Oh, fuckin' blushberries," Tal groaned, his smile faltering towards a grimace. "Don't even get me started!" But Koa's perspicacity a word Tal would have to ask Hotaru about later quickly had the grin back on his face as he nodded. "Yeah, actually, it did. Oh! Caramel macchiato, please," he asked as a server swept by. She took his order with a nod and headed off to a nearby table.

The courier somehow managed to look even more full of himself as his chest puffed out at Thorn's teasing. "What, all of it?" he teased back, reaching into his bag to pull out the goods. All three boxes landed on the table in front of him, but he pushed two of them towards his two friends, looking entirely too pleased with himself. Koa's box, beneath the simple bow on it, contained the copper armlet the Dragoon had been eying so wistfully, while Thorn's box, with an identical bow, held a drop earring with strands of small tiger's eye stones that glinted in the light like the highlights in his hair.

Or Koa's eyes, but that was probably just a coincidence.

The third box he opened so they could see the bracelet they had helped pick out. "You, uh, y'can take 'em back if y'don't like 'em." His confidence faltered as he suddenly realized how much he might have overstepped. "Just... y'know. Thanks for bein'... here. An'friends'n'stuff," he added in an awkward rush, ears warming to a pink shade of tan as he fiddled with the bracelet.
Koa Carpenter

Age: 22 | Height: 6 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 24 - Dext: 20 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 30 - Int:
PIPSQUEAK - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: shark Offline
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MP: 2830
So tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes
No better version of me I could pretend to be tonight
Of the things Koa expects to come out of Tal's bag, presents are... well, ok, no, he's kinda fully expecting a present. Nevertheless, his face lights up like a kid's on Christmas when Tal produces the box, and it's only through Herculean effort that he's able to resist ripping immediately into the wrapping and finding out what's inside. "Aww, he likes us," the young Dragoon grins, elbowing Thorn playfully as another small box appears before the courtesan.

Finally Koa opens his gift, a flush of pleased gratitude (and maybe something else) darkening his cheeks as he pulls out the copper cuff. It’s not the exact one he was eyeing, but a sister (or perhaps brother) piece, more fitting for someone of Koa’s, ahem, proportions "Heck, Tal, better be careful. Alys might get jealous," he teases, running his thumb over the subtle flower motif, and the small blue stones interspersed within. He supposes now he has to get the other one.

He wonders if this was a sly play by Tal, to force Koa into buying a gift for his crush. Probably not. The Courier is sweet, but too guileless for such a move.

Placing the jewelry back in the box, Koa reaches out to clasp the Courier's shoulder, his broad fingers squeezing through Talyson's coat. "Seriously, Tal- thanks. You're as good a friend as a guy could ask for." In his other hand he grasps his coffee, raising it up for a cheers. "To friendship and shiny shit!" the young man crows, waiting for the others to clink their cups before taking a hearty sip. He's certainly feeling warmer than when he reached the Exchange, and it's not just due to the shot of liquor added in his drink.
No other version of me I would rather be tonight
And, Lord, she found me just in time
Hawthorn Mercer

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11 | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 1 - Strg: 9 - Dext: 14 - Endr: 12 - Luck: 10 - Int:
Played by: Skylark Offline
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MP: 4642
// the only heaven i'll be sent to —
The courtesan thinks for a moment he’s missed out on the whole experience of blushberries now if two people in a row have had a time with them, but he can’t help but to snicker lightly to himself in spite of it. Perhaps it’s for the best and he shouldn’t want to add to the stories, but hey. Thorn’s always had a little fear of missing out.

’Course all of it.” Thorn teases back, voice dropping into a playful hum, snickering again at Koa’s elbow before he swats it away playfully – right in time to turn his seafoam gaze back toward the courier, eyes widening slightly to see the gift revealed for Koa – one of those he’d been eyeing earlier. His attention flickers to the next box, one he assumes is his with how Tal had positioned them, and carefully he unwraps the bow and opens the box to spy the drop earring with tiger’s eye stones, and a bright grin sweeps across his face.

Plucking it from the box, Thorn easily starts to swap one of the earrings in his ears for the new one, he lifts his head and tilts it enough to show it off. “Y’know, I was thinkin’ about getting this one earlier but I could only pick one.” He says with his own sheepish smile, flashing it right toward the courier. “Thanks Tal. This is really great.” He stumbles over his words a bit with the sheepishness, paired with the excitement that blooms from Koa in the toast, to which Thorn lifts his glass to clink against all of theirs. “To friendship ‘n shiny shit.” Thorn says with a bright laugh.
— is when i'm alone with you //

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