but anyway
Everest Hart

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 7 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 25 - Luck: 5 - Int: 0
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MP: 2609
And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do
Though Everest had wanted to simply sail back to Torchline with Isla, he had been in possession of his friend's home for a little over half a season, and now that he was officially "back", he thought it best to start fitting the pieces of his life back into place.

Having anchored La Verbena, the aviator had opted to leave his friend's gifts on the boat just in case it took some searching to find the botanist. It didn't, Mateo was in the first place that Ever had decided to look for him, but even so, he was glad he hadn't been walking around Stormbreak with an armful of sex toys.

Happier than he quite possibly ever had been in his life, as he pushed open the door to his friend's shop, Ever's voice cheerfully rang out in a way Mateo likely would have never heard from his friend. Flashing an apologetic smile to a couple with a bouquet of dark lilies in their possession, the aviator held the door open for them, before moving further into the shop.
Mateo Taliesin

Age: 23 | Height: 5'7 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 25 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 17 - Int: 0
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MP: 1901
champagne, cocaine, gasoline; and most things in between
You know what? Mateo is fine.

He might not know whose shirt he's wearing (a dark coloured thing embroidered with silver and a bit too long on the arms) and his recreational drug use has become a little more regular than some (i.e. his parents, probably) might like, but he's absolutely fine. Just ask the people who visit his shop, or the people whose sheets he finds himself betwixt in Mother Molly's.

Having been watering the hanging plants at the back of the shop - and speaking to them softly, because he's not a monster - as Ever's voice rings out, at first the botanist mistakes it for another customer, or one of the deliveries he has scheduled. And in his defence, he really has never heard Everest Hart sound like this, and it's been over half a season since he's seen him.

"One moment!" he calls, lowering the watering can and reaching up to tighten the top knot his curls have been lifted into, before heading through the veritable jungle towards the entrance. At the sight of his friend, of course, Mateo all but lights up with his shock, spreading his arms and offering an over-bright grin.

"And what time do you call this?" he gushes, striding forward to wrap the other man in a hug that's maybe a bit too tight.
Everest Hart

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 7 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 25 - Luck: 5 - Int: 0
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MP: 2609
And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do
Smiling widely in response, it's with open arms that the aviator moves to meet the botanist, returning his friend's hug and then some. "Well, I can't really tell the time while I'm hugging you like this." Ever points out with a warm laugh against his friend's neck. Gods but it felt good to hug Mateo like this, and though Everest had been nothing but touched over the past half a season, he was coming to understand that a touch from a stranger—however knowledgable and pleasant though it might be—somehow couldn't compare to one from someone the aviator cared about.

"I've missed you so much. I left you gifts from my travels inside La Verbena." He explains, straightening somewhat. "I thought I would maybe see you at the Ball, and that we could flya back home together." It had worked out well for Everest that his evening had been free, but that didn't change the way the Temple had felt emptier for not having the botanist in attendance.
Mateo Taliesin

Age: 23 | Height: 5'7 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 25 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 17 - Int: 0
Played by: Honey Offline
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MP: 1901
champagne, cocaine, gasoline; and most things in between
"It is late," Mateo says, his voice muffled by his friend's shirt. "You are late home." Doesn't matter what time it is - or even what day it is, truthfully - because the botanist will still insist that what he says is true. He can't remember standing in a hug like this with Ever either, but gods after so long without his best friend, it hardly seems like a bad thing. "I have missed you too," Mateo agrees quietly, letting out a long, hard sigh before reluctantly peeling himself back.

"The Ball? Oh, that Midwinter thing?" He shrugs his shoulders easily. "I did not feel like it. I hope that you had a good time, though." His social calendar has been widely ignored other than when it comes to places he might be able to stay, honestly. "Come on - I will close up for the day. I want to go up and see La Verbena."
Everest Hart

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 7 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 25 - Luck: 5 - Int: 0
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MP: 2609
And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do
"Oh." Hugging the botanist all the more tightly, Ever took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I was gone for so long. I really learned a lot and I think I'm better for it. I couldn't have done it without you, and La Verbena, though." Later on, maybe he'd dedicate every orgasm he was able to give or achieve to Mateo, but for now, the apology seemed enough.

"I did." Ever confirms and of all the attendees, he might have been one of the only ones who felt that way. Such was the benefit of both being a Friend of the Family, and in love, he supposed. "It would have been better with you there, though." He adds, grinning.

"Okay. I was going to give her a washing this afternoon, but I wanted to come and see you first."
Mateo Taliesin

Age: 23 | Height: 5'7 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 25 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 17 - Int: 0
Played by: Honey Offline
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MP: 1901
champagne, cocaine, gasoline; and most things in between
"I am glad," Mateo says. Glad that Ever feels better for it, glad that he'd learned as much as he says he has. All of that is true - is he glad that he's been gone for so long, though, or that he's been all but homeless for over half a season? No, not so much. But, unwilling to dampen the other man's spirit, especially now that he's home, Mateo takes off his apron and hangs it up, before leading them out the front door.

"You can still give her a washing this afternoon," he says, not wanting to upset the aviator's plans or schedule. "I will just be asleep inside, so please bear that in mind if any of the portholes are open." Smirking and grabbing his coat before turning to lock up his shop, the brisk, Deepfrost air feels even chillier up this high, and the botanist quickly turns his collar up against the sharp breeze.

"So tell me everything." He bounces his eyebrows.
Everest Hart

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 7 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 25 - Luck: 5 - Int: 0
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MP: 2609
And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do
"I'll make sure they're all closed." Everest agrees dutifully, before waiting for Mateo to finish around the shop. As they walk, the aviator does as he'd told, starting from his arrival in King's End and the courtesan he'd met there on the first night. Without any hesitation or embarrassment, he details what it had been like having sex with another man, which he preferred being a top over being a bottom, and what it was like to both give and receive his first blowjob. "I almost wish I had gone there second because I could have made use of the room's magic much better once I was a little farther into my studies." The aviator says with a slight shrug.

And so the story continues. Having been with equal men and women, Everest had learned both how to please them, as well as what sorts of things he enjoyed along the way.

"I brought you back some things I thought you'd like. Some I'm sure you already have, but these ones seemed especially well-crafted, and some things that maybe are new." Given Mateo's proclivities and headstart in this arena, Ever could quite be sure. What he did know, was that his friend would likely be able to put them all to use regardless.
Mateo Taliesin

Age: 23 | Height: 5'7 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 25 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 17 - Int: 0
Played by: Honey Offline
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MP: 1901
champagne, cocaine, gasoline; and most things in between
Luckily for any who might be nosily listening in on their conversation, the route Mateo takes them to get up to the Skyport cuts right through the Silk Houses, such that it really won't matter what they talk about - people will absolutely have heard it all before. And the botanist is impressed, the flush in his cheeks from more than just the chilly air as Ever details every part of his studies.

"You have been busy," he agrees with a low whistle, giving his friend a gentle nudge. "Good for you, Ever. I knew you'd start to enjoy yourself." And gods but he really never has seen his friend so relaxed, and any budding resentment Mateo had been starting to feel at having been left behind is instantly soothed by the mere sight of Ever, carefree and walking with his head held high.

"Oh, you did not have to bring me anything," he gushes, "but I will absolutely make use of them all the same. For now, I will be honest, I just want to see my bed and my closet."
Everest Hart

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 7 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 25 - Luck: 5 - Int: 0
Played by: Odd Offline
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MP: 2609
And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do
"It was very busy." Everest agrees, making it sound as if his sex-fueled half-season had actually just been a rewarding if not incredibly demanding study session abroad. "You're right though, I was late coming home. I never meant to go to the Dusklight, but once it was suggested it just seemed logical." He murmurs, and it's really only as Mateo mentions his bed and his closet that Ever really understands. "You're a really good friend for letting me borrow her." And, because he can now, the aviator reaches out to tangle his fingers around the botanist's and gives them a gentle squeeze as they walk.

"Well, I can promise you that no one else has been inside of her, and I have kept everything clean and just as you like it." Ever hadn't even slept inside of her, so although he'd changed and washed the sheets for Mateo, it would all be more or less exactly as the botanist had left it.

Just a bit neater.
Everest Hart

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 7 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 25 - Luck: 5 - Int: 0
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MP: 2609
And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do
"You should! Maybe we can go together, my treat." Gone are the days of the aviator not understanding basic humour and needing a complete itinerary and 72hrs notice before any activity, and here to stay, hopefully, was the one who could suggest a weekend away at a brothel while holding his best friend's hand.

"I did. And...it really put some things into perspective." Mostly his feelings for Isla, the thought of which had a rather dopey smile spreading rapidly out across the aviator's face as he hurries along at Mateo's side.

"Of course I did. I also made sure to keep her moored away from any plants or bugs that I thought would harm her." Mateo hadn't cultivated a defenseless environment by any means, but that didn't mean that the aviator was just going to keep her in the sorts of ecosystems he thought might do her undue harm.

"And here she is." Normally Ever would have held open the door for Mateo, but on this occasion, he let the botanist swan on ahead of him. Inside he'd find fresh cut flowers—he'd come back to the Temple the day after the ball and asked if he could take some with him—a few wrapped-up snacks from the same event, and a large box of sex toys, lubes, and oils.
Mateo Taliesin

Age: 23 | Height: 5'7 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 25 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 17 - Int: 0
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MP: 1901
champagne, cocaine, gasoline; and most things in between
"I have never been to either the Dusklight or the House of Midnight. Perhaps I should do some studying of my own." Mateo raises his eyebrows playfully, as if they both don't know he'll be doing nothing outside of La Verbena for at least the next few days. Smiling softly at the squeeze to his fingers, the botanist leans in against his friend and shrugs a shoulder. "I'm just glad you were able to get what you needed out of the trip."

As for people going into the houseboat, for a man who is used to bedhopping and waking up with strangers, Mateo is still strangely relieved to hear Ever say so, and he starts to walk a little faster up towards the skyport without realising it. "And the lavender is growing well?" he asks. "And you followed my instructions for the houseplants?" He knows Everest would have - newfound confidence or not, that won't have changed - but he feels the need to ask nonetheless.

Either way, the rest of the trek up to the port seems to pass in a blink for the botanist, and soon enough they're among skyships and aviators and the familiar smell and breezy feel of the area.
Mateo Taliesin

Age: 23 | Height: 5'7 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 25 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 17 - Int: 0
Played by: Honey Offline
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MP: 1901
champagne, cocaine, gasoline; and most things in between
"Now that is the kind of weekend getaway I can get behind," Mateo says with a mischievous smile in his friend's direction. Get behind it, on top of it, hanging with it from the ceiling - Mateo is there, rest assured. And perhaps in the coming days he will have more pointed questions for the aviator - ones about their glorious leader, perhaps - but for today there's nothing he wants besides his best friend and his own bed.

"Things, huh," he echoes with a questioning raise of his eyebrows and a slightly knowing expression. "Will your new perspective involve you writing letters to King's End or the Grounds?" he wonders, obviously assuming that Ever has met someone in one of the brothels.

But gods, then there La Verbena is, and it's with a trill of, "Mia signora!" that he swans forward and across her gangplank, hopping onto the deck and going instantly down into the belly of the boat.

And whilst Ever's gifts are absolutely appreciated - Mateo oohs and aahs appropriately and admires the flowers he's brought - the botanist is instantly swarming into his bedroom, throwing open the doors to his closet and all but stepping inside. "Gods, it is good to be home."
Everest Hart

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 7 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 25 - Luck: 5 - Int: 0
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MP: 2609
And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do
"Hmm?" Looking genuinely puzzled which is more like the aviator of old, Everest looks pointedly at the ground as they stroll in an attempt to understand. (Not looking where he's going frees up mental resources, you understand). "Sorry, what?" He asks eventually, lifting his gaze and an eyebrow.

Watching Mateo swan about has Everest smiling broadly, and it's with his arms folded comfortably across his chest that the aviator leans against one wall and grins. "Can I get you anything? I made sure that the fridge and cupboards were stocked." Everest had never been the best cook, previously preferring his food exceptionally bland and without variation, but it had never stopped Mateo from requesting his services when he was too drunk or hungover to fix things for himself.
Mateo Taliesin

Age: 23 | Height: 5'7 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 5 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 25 - Endr: 22 - Luck: 17 - Int: 0
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MP: 1901
champagne, cocaine, gasoline; and most things in between
"Mm? Oh, I assumed you had met someone you liked on your travels, that is all," Mateo says, offering a dimpled smile to his friend from around the door of his closet. And normally he would have expanded on this or asked for more information, but unfortunately Ever has reintroduced him to La Verbena at that exact moment, and Mateo will be busy for a little bit.

"Could you put the kettle on the stove to boil please?" he asks, just as the shirt he'd been wearing goes flying over his shoulder. "I have not been able to find my favourite brand of tea - I think it might be from Halo. I know there is some here, though." Emerging again in a pair of yoga pants that look as though they've been painted on, as well as a sweater that all but hangs off one of the botanist's shoulders, Mateo at least looks much more comfortable now.

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