Come Fly With Me
For Talyson
Zavien Alexander
Stormbreak Dragoon

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 18 - Luck: 10 - Int:
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MP: 955
A gusting wind snapped at the sails, clawing at Zavien's jacket and attempting to pull him away from the railing. He just laughed and spread his arms to embrace the currents of air that molded the clouds around them. Although he'd travelled on an airship a few times, they always managed to elicit a feeling of utter bliss and enjoyment from his. It gave him a new view of the world. A new perspective from which to appreciate Caido's beauty. Even with the serious undertone of their reason for taking the journey, Zavien couldn't bring himself to frown at the endless skies, untouched by Void or human meddling.

Knowing that Talyson was nearby, he closed his eyes and took in the crisp air. "I'm slightly jealous that you get to do this whenever you want!" He didn't know if he would leave the sky if given the means to stay.

Finally glancing down, he swallowed the lurch of his stomach. If they were going to search for signs of Sohalia, he'd have to look down, even if it just made him think about how much stronger the wind would be as he plummeted to his death in the Greatwood. Narrowing his eyes to ignore the anxiety, he asked, "Do you see anything?"
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Online
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For Tal, it had been love at first flight on his maiden voyage on a skyship. Seeing others experience the same joy always brought a warm, fuzzy feeling to his chest that he usually tried to sterilize with a stiff drink. But he knew exactly how Zavien felt and he stopped fighting the crooked grin that tilted his scowl upside down for a brief moment. "I mean, I spend more time in my bunk on th'Peregrine than I do in my own bed at home," he admitted ruefully. "But yeah... it never gets old." Routine, maybe, but amazing nonetheless.

Still, the reason for their trip over the corrupted treetops of the Greatwood wasn't a pleasure cruise. Tal sighed and lashed the tiller in place while he hopped the wheel and dodged around Zavien to trim the sails, slowing their forward momentum so they could take in more of the landscape below them. Deepfrost had withered the leaves and covered the watery woods below in ice and snow, but signs of the Void were still everywhere. Though subdued by the season a faint purple pulse seemed to run through most of the trees and cold-inert vines, and skulking shapes occasionally dashed from cover beneath the Peregrine's shadow.

Boreal soared nearby, circling the skyboat in alert guard mode. The courier, meanwhile, pulled his See-Right Goggles down over his eyes, fingertip brushing the sickeningly purple star charm that hung from their side with a faint grimace as he leaned over the rail beside his friend. "Yeah, but nothin' that looks like Soh," he answered unhappily. "At least I know she's alive, though. Heard it from Mort himself," he added, a touch of awe and pride in his voice lifting some of the uneasiness from his shoulders.
Zavien Alexander
Stormbreak Dragoon

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 18 - Luck: 10 - Int:
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He was glad to hear that Tal didn't lose his appreciation for the incredible views. Some people forgot that feeling or took it for granted. Zavien tried not to become complacent, always being grateful for the little things. Even the way his body moved or the sun rose each day. He praised the gods for each moment.

Steeling himself to glance down again, he scanned the ground. The purple tinged trees and tainted foliage were set aglow by the red river in its midst. Its bright tendrils of crimson current were a sight to behold, like liquid fire floating through the sky. He could almost reach out and touch it.

They hadn't spotted any sign of Sohalia yet, so Zavien perked up at Tal's passing comment. "Really?! That's great news!" Although he'd had little doubt that the leader lived, it was still a comfort to have the fact confirmed. It also surprised him to hear that the Accepted had spoken personally with a god, especially one of the big three. "Do you have a lot of personal conversations with gods?" he asked curiously. Zavien couldn't imagine what it must feel like to stand in their presence.
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Online
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MP: 3830
He was going to have to take the Peregrine down closer to the Cataract one of these days. It was weirdly scary-beautiful from above, even though Tal knew it wasn't really the floating river of blood it kind of resembled from this distance. But there was no one floating in it today; not only because of the season and weather, but because of the purple gleam of void corruption that surrounded it and put an end to any merriment.

At least if you weren't one of the blasted Family.

For now, though, the skyboat skimmed past, just barely above the grasping fingers of the bare trees as both men scanned the forest floor visible through the skeletal branches for footprints or some indication of passage through the snow.

"Yeah, it is," Tal agreed warmly, glad that Zavien met the news with such enthusiasm. The followup question had his nose wrinkling in thought, however, and put a furrow between his brows above his Goggles. "Uh, I mean... depends on what y'mean by 'a lot?' But... yeah, I pray to 'em at least once a season. Sometimes more. An' sometimes they answer." His head turned to regard his fellow Accepted quizzically for a moment. "What about you? I've seen y'in th'shrines before. Have y'ever gotten an answer?"

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Wandering through the violet pathways of the Greatwood, you realize you've wandered into a patch of Echo Ferns. As you brush against them, they trigger a chorus of haunting whispers that echo through the trees. The whispers seem to lead deeper into the forest, promising secrets and danger to those who dare to follow. With each step, the whispers grow louder, their eerie tones filling the air with a sense of foreboding. Tread carefully, lest the whispers may lead you astray or into the waiting embrace of the void.

As the Greatwood has been taken over by the Family, remaining in this area will be dangerous as the flora/fauna will continue to grow increasingly hostile toward you.

You’ve encountered an  Echo Fern. This counts as a common creature encounter for the purposes of levelling, but does not count as a Random Event for levelling or MP. There will be no further admin/re intervention. If you choose to follow this creature, you do so at your own risk, however, just having it in this thread is enough to satisfy your levelling requirements.

Echo Ferns (common): Originally vibrant and harmonious, the Echo Ferns now resonate with void energy. Their once-green fronds have withered into darkened silhouettes, and each rustle of their leaves emits an unsettling echo. Touching the Echo Ferns not only causes physical discomfort but also triggers haunting whispers that echo through the depths of the Greatwood.

Zavien Alexander
Stormbreak Dragoon

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 18 - Luck: 10 - Int:
Played by: Dew Offline
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Posts: 185 | Total: 410
MP: 955
Zavien chuckled at Tal's question, waving his hand in dismissal. "No no. I pray and visit the shrines a decent amount. Most have been to thank them. Only one has resulted in something that I would consider a response, even if it was just a lonely cat spirit keeping me company." He recalled the way the orange tabby with sparkling fur had joined him for a time when he was feeling particularly low. It had helped immensely and he still thanked Vi for the intimate moment.

Looking to the Captain, he wondered if he might have some advice. Perhaps he just needed to pray better or pick a different recipient. "Do you have any recommendations for which gods to pray to?" Lowering his voice and glancing around playfully, he asked, "Or which to avoid?" When he leaned back again, he winked at the man.

A short moment later, he heard a chilling echo that seemed to call out, summoning him closer to the Greatwood's depths. Luckily, that was hard to do while suspended in the air. With a shiver, he looked to Boreal in concern before offering her a piece of jerky in an attempt to keep her from trailing off. The purple ferns appeared to be the source of the eerie tune and Zavien glanced at Tal uncertainly. "Should we get a little higher? I know the visibility will decrease, but it may be safer." From what he knew of Sohalia, she wouldn't want them to risk their lives for a chance at finding evidence of her whereabouts.
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Online
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MP: 3830
”A cat? Huh… weird, but th’gods work in mysterious ways.” Tal’s scrunched nose indicated what he thought of cats; Zavien would have been familiar with the Seawright penchant for dogs after his visit to the family residence in Halo. The question that followed had him looking back over the side of the ship, but at least it was with a more thoughtful furrow to his brow. ”I mean… Safrin ‘n Ludo ‘n Frey… they’ve all helped me out a lot,” he said slowly. ”Safrin’s been really nice about stuff, an’ she helped me get this charm for seein’ Void-infected stuff for my Goggles.” He reached up to flick the unsettling purple star that hung from the strap by the side of his face. ”Ludo’s… uh. Kind’ve a bully? But it’s helped me out with my armor an’ with makin’ my Dagger more dangerous. [b]”I used t’pray t’Frey a lot. Th’Nature one,” he added with hasty clarification. ”Always figured I’d swear t’them someday, y’know? But…” He hesitated, a flush of discomfort rising to his ears. ”There’s two sides of ‘em. An’ th’sexy side, well…” He exhaled and shook his head. ”They, uh. Made it pretty clear they didn’t much care for my last prayer. An’ they gave me an impossible quest. An’ I… I haven’t been able to face ‘em again since I failed at it. But they had t’know it was impossible when they gave it t’me an’ it just felt… kinda petty. I’d rather take Ludo’s bullyin’ any day o’ th’week. At least it’s honest about it!” The courier grumbled, ducking his head and glaring down at the ground below.

Which was about the time the dissonant music of the echo ferns filtered up to them and the courier got an odd look on his face, momentarily distracted from his misery with the gods. ”Uh… wait, are those will-o-wisps?” He squinted down until he could pick out the twisted purple ferns and then snorted. ”Oh. Huh. Dunno what those are, but we should be high enough up t’be safe for now.” Boreal huffed in annoyance at not being allowed to follow the pretty music, but Zavien’s offering was met with interest and she landed on the deck between the men to accept the bribe happily enough. Still, Tal moved back to the tiller to bring the ship a little higher above the reaching branches of the trees… just in case.
Zavien Alexander
Stormbreak Dragoon

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 18 - Luck: 10 - Int:
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MP: 955
He had to agree with Tal’s assessment. The cat had been a peculiar means of answering his prayer, yet it had helped to ease his pain more than he’d expected. Perhaps the gods did know what they’re doing. Zavien laughed at the thought and Tal’s obvious distaste for cats. He, personally, didn’t feel any negative emotions towards a single animal. Those feelings were reserved for the nasty Void abominations.

The description of the gods had Zavien listening intently, taking mental notes. Safrin - good. Ludo - good but bully? Frey - really good but petty and moody. Getting the gist, he nodded his head in understanding. ”I see. It would be really difficult to mend that kind of relationship. I don’t blame you for avoiding them.” He considered his own options and who he may choose to pray to next. Safrin didn’t really align with Zavien’s preferred outlook on life with their ‘all or nothing’ mentality. Ludo hadn’t really crossed his mind much since he tended to look at life rather than death. And after hearing about Frey… He’d always found nature beautiful and animals endearing, but the… ‘reproductive habits’ of people and animals wasn’t something he liked to dwell on. All in all, Zavien was at a loss for who he might choose to acknowledge in his next prayer. There didn’t seem to be a right answer and he said as much. ”I’ll have a lot of thinking to do during my next visit.”

With his attention returned to the threatening flora, Boreal’s decision to take his offered jerky made Zavien smile. At least they wouldn’t have to worry about losing her to the eerie purple plants. Their ascent also helped to relax the tight anxiety in his chest and he found himself leaning over the railing once again. Curiosity pushing past his polite manners, he asked, ”Can I ask what the impossible quest was?”
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Online
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MP: 3830
Zavien was the first person who Tal had told about the failure of his quest and the courier’s hunched shoulders were clearly awaiting some kind of judgment from his fellow Accepted. When his friend instead offered only empathy and understanding the courier actually looked confused, like a dog who had been expecting a kick and instead had gotten a pat on the head. He didn’t know what to do with Zavien’s kindness.

”Yeah, well… um. Yeah,” he mumbled, almost relieved for the distraction of the echo ferns to give him a chance to get his emotional feet back under himself. Blissfully unaware of the existential quandary he’d just thrown his friend into, Tal just nodded emphatically as he maneuvered the boat. ”Yeah, no kiddin’. But hey, at least it’s not like y’have t’choose just one an’ are stuck with ‘em forever!” Not until a much high level at any rate.

With Boreal safely away from the ferns and a little more distance between themselves and the corruption spreading out beneath them, Tal secured the tiller once more and returned to the rail. He was just in time to hear the question he’d been quietly dreading and the courier swallowed hard and ducked his head, looking through his Goggles at the ground below but not really seeing it. ”Um. I, uh. Don’t really wanna… talk about it…” he mumbled in embarrassment, no longer as certain as he once had been about his prayer after the suspicion and judginess of the other people he’d spoken with about it.

Instead he cleared his throat and tried to focus on peering down at the Greatwood from their new height, scowling as the details of the forest floor were made imperceptible by distance. ”Any idea what you’d ask a god for?”
Zavien Alexander
Stormbreak Dragoon

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 18 - Luck: 10 - Int:
Played by: Dew Offline
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Posts: 185 | Total: 410
MP: 955

Tal made good points that had Zavien nodding his head further, totally unaware of the impact his gentle empathy had on the man. His only thoughts were of how the gods seemed to have so much influence on them. They determined who had power and how they interacted with the world. Whether that was through quests or allegiances, the mortals felt like puppets at times, putting on a show for the deities. However, the gods still took the time to give them moments of peace or help with seemingly insignificant issues. No matter how rare those moments may be, it showed that they still cared. It gave him hope that the gods were still worth his prayers.

As Tal rejoined him at the railing, his discomfort at the question was obvious and Zavien wished he could swallow the words back into his throat. Words tumbled out to right the situation. ”I completely understand. It was a stupid question. Sorry for bringing it up.” Embarrassed by his lapse in judgment, he looked away to hide the deep red of his cheeks. His mom would be ashamed to see him let his curiosity get the better of him and make a friend self-conscious. That wasn’t the kind of person he wanted to be. Hopefully, they could move past the topic to defuse the mood.

Jumping at the opportunity, he sped through his thought process. ”Honestly, I don’t really have one thing in mind. A dragon would be great but I don’t know if they would be willing to bless me that much, considering their attention thus far. If not, I would ask for anything to help me make a difference.” Running his hand through his hair again, he continued to look down at the receding purple ferns, keeping his eyes peeled for any signs of intelligent life. ”I want to be strong enough to help people. I’m working in my own way to increase my skills with the Dragoons and I am always training to improve, but a weapon would be a helpful asset to even the playing field.” Lowering his voice slightly, Zavien confided in Tal. ”I feel like more of a burden than anything right now. There is so much that needs to be done and so many people that need assistance, but my abilities are so limited that I feel…” Not quite sure how to articulate his emotions, he paused and looked at his shuffling feet. useless. The word was a deep personal confession that had him blushing up to his ears. He hadn’t told anyone that before and he was embarrassed by the truth that rang in his chest. Zavien knew that he could make a difference, no matter how small, but it didn’t feel like enough. The Void was spreading and he had no power to stop it. People were still suffering. He wasn’t enough to change anything.

Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Online
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MP: 3830
”Nah, not stupid,” the courier quickly assured his friend, now feeling even more self-conscious and bad for making Zavien feel bad. ”Nothin’ wrong with askin’. I just… kinda… I learned a lot while I was tryin’ t’make it work. An’ mostly what I learned was that I was kind’ve… maybe an ass t’even ask for it?” There was a questioning tone to his voice as he tried to reconcile how he was feeling and put it into words for the first time, and not sure he was finding the right ones. His scowl was aimed at the ground below them, however, and not at his friend. ”An’ Frey coulda just told me that instead o’ sendin’ me off t’embarrass myself an’ waste everyone’s time. So… yeah. Not your fault. I’m just not ready t’talk about it yet.” In the meantime he’d decided to devote himself to Mort, leaning into the kindness and patience that the God of Death had found for him, however rare his chance to see that busy god might be.

And getting to hear about what Zavien wanted was way more interesting than Tal’s stupid life choices, anyways. The courier kept his eyes aimed below, scanning for any clue that someone might have been through there recently, some dropped item or torn cloth fluttering from a branch, but he listened to Zavien with genuine interest. He snorted with fond approval at the mention of a dragon, and Boreal - smart, though not able to understand the entire conversation, rumbled approvingly and shoved her head under the Breaker’s hand at the word. ”A blessin’ right up until you’re shovelin’ dragon shit for th’third time that week,” he teased his companion and friend alike. Boreal understood the gist of his words from the images in his thoughts and gave an indignant, smoky huff.

The bit about wanting to be strong, though, resonated oddly within the courier’s chest and his humor fell away as he slowly nodded, grin fading. ”Nah, I get that. Believe me. We can’t turn into big, scary animals or throw fireballs around. An’ punchin’ things with our bare hands doesn’t do shit. Gettin’ you a weapon’ll help a lot, though. What kinda things are y’good with? Somethin’ like a sword? Or a bow?” Zavien was nowhere near the scrawny weakling that Tal had started out as. The man was already strong and had some soldier training, so Tal figured he was ahead of the curve. ”An’ what would y’want it t’do? Like… addin’ elemental damage to a hit, or some other kind o’ ability? Like my Special Delivery Dagger that lets me hit things from far away?”
Zavien Alexander
Stormbreak Dragoon

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 18 - Luck: 10 - Int:
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Feeling slightly comforted as Tal spoke, he smiled gently. ”Fair enough.” He wasn’t sure what the Accepted could have asked for that would upset the herald, but it definitely sounded like he wasn’t willing to elaborate quite yet. And Zavien wasn’t about to ask again until he was ready. So he finally looked back to Tal with a soft, genuine smile and said, ”Well. When you are, my ears are always open if you want to talk.” It wasn’t a demand that he be the first one to hear the news, just an offer for an unbiased listener if he wanted to open up to someone.

Boreal’s enthusiastic response had Zavien laughing and rubbing the dragon’s head affectionately. The joyful interaction distracted him from the deeper topic of strength and making a difference. He leaned into the lighter side of the discussion, smiling at the brainstorming of weapons to pray for. ”I’m better with a sword, considering that I’ve never touched a bow before.” Zavien imagined the complete fool he would look like trying to pull back the bow string. It would probably smack him back in the face with his luck. Shaking his head, he further considered his options. ”Hmm… I’m not sure. I’m not really partial to any element, even if fire is pretty cool. I just want to protect people. So maybe something that creates a buffer?” But then he thought about what might happen if he was caught without his weapon. He almost never forgot to bring his sword, yet he had a tendency to lose things… Chuckling, he said, ”Or a sword that I can’t lose.” His mood had lifted tremendously and Zavien relaxed against the ship to scan below. The trees and purple leaves were starting to blur together, but he narrowed his eyes to keep his sights sharp.
Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Online
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MP: 3830
Tal didn’t know what to say in the face of Zavien’s patience and understanding so he just nodded awkwardly. A softly mumbled ”...’anks,” escaped but he kept his be-Goggled eyes down so he didn’t accidentally meet his friend’s earnest gaze. He wasn’t sure he could bear it just then, and since he wasn’t finding anything down below to draw their attention to, he hurried to change the subject instead.

Boreal approved, since the new topic resulted in scritches. She rumbled happily, leaning heavily into Zavien’s hip while the boys talked about weapons and gods and other things that were above her pay grade. Although she did like visiting the gods. They tended to offer her treats, too!

Tal wrinkled his nose, his scowl returning - but this time it was his usual look of deep thought, not an indicator of his mood. ”Yeah, I’m pretty crap with a bow, too. But a magic sword would be pretty cool!” He leaned over the rail as a flicker of color below caught his eye but quickly pulled back with a shake of his head as the flash of red turned out to be a bird frantically trying to avoid the grasping tendrils of void-infected vines. ”Uh. Well, if y’don’t want t’lose it… maybe have somethin’ like a ring that y’can call the sword out of?” Mel had something similar in the form of a bow-bracelet, he thought he remembered, before cringing away from the memory of his attempt to ask her out. ”Or, like… give the sword a blade of air?” He glanced over at his friend, dark brows rising above his Goggles. ”Air magic’s pretty effective against th’Void, I think.” At least, it had been against Seren’s weird little void-sphere.
Zavien Alexander
Stormbreak Dragoon

Age: 28 | Height: 6'0" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 2 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 17 - Endr: 18 - Luck: 10 - Int:
Played by: Dew Offline
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Posts: 185 | Total: 410
MP: 955

Happy to be done with the uncomfortable topic of Tal's relationship with Frey, Zavien earnestly rubbed Boreal's head. The rumbling resembled a cat and he smiled at the similarity as he tried to stay on his feet against the pushing pressure of the dragon on his hip. He almost had to brace himself against the railing to keep from falling over, but he didn't mind one bit. Instead, he chuckled and reached to scratch below her jaw.

Tal was full of unique concepts that had him thinking hard about his possibilities and what the gods might grant. He liked the idea of a retractable sword being something he couldn't lose. It would be easy to carry and disguise. However, having a weapon that may be more effective against the Void was more than tempting. Nodding his head excitedly, he said, "Those are all great ideas! I'll definitely have to bring them up as suggestions next time I pray! Maybe then we could walk through the Greatwood instead of flying." His comment wasn't a dig at the Peregrine, but more of a strategizing thought to allow them to take a closer look at what clues may be hidden just below the canopy line.

Zavien looked once more to the trees, wondering where Sohalia may be located. The Greatwood didn't look like a safe place to find refuge after being abducted. Even if it did fit into the kind of place a Void-allied person might stash her, he wasn't sure how they were going to spot any signs of her presence. He glanced to Tal nervously, trying to think of another way to find her. But nothing came to mind. He wasn't an expert tracker and he didn't have any tools or abilities to assist. All he had were his eyes. So he would make them useful. Zavien attempted to strain his eyes, peering through every branch and leaf as if Sohalia's life depended on it, because it just might.

Keep your face to the sunshine,
And you cannot see a shadow.

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