Favorite Attuned Shift?
Hater of tables, lover of fast threads

Age: 6 | Height: tall | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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For Attuned/Hybrid characters, what's their favorite current animal shift? Inquiring minds want to know! ;D
glitter is my love language
wacky waving inflatable arm man

Age: -1 | Height: | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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Mocha - Mythical - Lovable demon cockatiel
Played by: Crooked Offline
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Loren only has one, so I guess honey badger
The Best
Incredible Incredulator

Age: 38 | Height: smol | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Halo
Level: 0 - Strg: 108 - Dext: 42 - Endr: 8 - Luck: 4 - Int:
Mowgli - Mythical - Crazy fire-breathing horse
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Remi has been a hawk the longest, so probably that one!
Skylark > Skynet

Age: 34 | Height: Smol | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Nomadic
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Riley - Mythical - Corgi
Played by: Skylark Offline
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Sunjata's panther form is probably my favorite!

As for Kiada, her vulture form is!
Shark the whale
nurse shark

Age: 5 | Height: adequate | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 7 - Strg: 5 - Dext: 5 - Endr: 5 - Luck: 99 - Int:
Played by: shark Offline
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Posts: 130 | Total: 4,866
MP: 2895

Snow leopard followed closely by qilin for Ama

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