I shouldn't laugh, but I know I'm a failure in your eyes
Well, there's no point wasting time about it, is there?
Equally, though, Ronin has absolutely no intention of making this trade anywhere near the Tower where all the unpleasantness took place. And so they agree on the Righteous Road - still within Stormbreak, but out of sight and earshot of any innocent civilians still trying to piece their lives back together.
He's not an animal, so he has ensured that Nate's body is wrapped carefully and borne on a stretcher that lays upon the ground some ways behind him (much as he might have wanted to roll it in a carpet and sling it over his shoulder). And with his end of the bargain in tow, there's little else to do but wait.
Equally, though, Ronin has absolutely no intention of making this trade anywhere near the Tower where all the unpleasantness took place. And so they agree on the Righteous Road - still within Stormbreak, but out of sight and earshot of any innocent civilians still trying to piece their lives back together.
He's not an animal, so he has ensured that Nate's body is wrapped carefully and borne on a stretcher that lays upon the ground some ways behind him (much as he might have wanted to roll it in a carpet and sling it over his shoulder). And with his end of the bargain in tow, there's little else to do but wait.