Guidebook improvements
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Age: 38 | Height: smol | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Halo
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Mowgli - Mythical - Crazy fire-breathing horse
Played by: Odd Online
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This is a can of worms I am reluctant to open BUT we all know that the guidebook needs some updates!

SO! A few rules.

1. Please for my fucking sanity, phrase things nicely. Remember that I don't get paid for this and I'm not a professional writer. I make mistakes and I'm human.

2. Please try and be descriptive when offering edits. Of course some things don't require a lengthy explanation (for instance, "merfolk need levelling past 5!" is clear enough), but don't just say "expand on ___" .

3. This is for guidebook improvements, not site improvements, so please don't suggest changes to the site. This is just to make sure that we're filling in all the holes in the guidebook.

Below is a list of things I'm working on so that we don't duplicate  work

1. Adding a 'travel' section (to include skyships and their ports)
2. Adding distances to the map
3. Removing the Legend Title bit because I can't be fucked to keep it updated
4. Updating Mer levelling + race specific companions for them
5. Adding a description of PQ+s under Quests

Age: 27 | Height: | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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Played by: Terra Omen Offline
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It would be really helpful to have a "Technology" list somewhere.

The Ascended clearly have (or had?) advanced technology with cybernetics, electricity, etc, but that isn't the state of technology overall. I've got a vague idea of the tech level of the world being "standardish medieval fantasy" with swords and bows but not guns etc. But it gets really confusing to see that most of the time then read a thread with Ascended talking about circuitry and lasers.

Some clarification of the general state of tech around the world would be useful. Both a basic "this exists, that doesn't" generalized list, and some clarity on how Ascended tech is somehow different from all of that.
Hater of tables, lover of fast threads

Age: 6 | Height: tall | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
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Played by: Cirago Offline
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Races page:

Under Abandoned Flavour, #1 is blank.

- end edits 11/14/22 15:30EST (jumped the gun, don't mind me XD will add more later!)

Races page:
Under Abandoned, the entry for how to Hybrid is under Flavour

Under Attuned, the entry for how to hybrid is under Writing
- end edits 11/15/22 17:23EST


Age: 6 | Height: | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: - Strg: - Dext: - Endr: - Luck: - Int:
Played by: Time Offline
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Posts: 170 | Total: 2,519
MP: 255

I think having a custom item section would be nice. Including how to get custom items (quest, prizes, characters, etc), the details of basic/upgrades/mastered items, etc. especially since this is supposed to be a heavy feature of the accepted, but also IC there are crafters that can make stuff. If I didn’t write that coherently let me know

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