Mini Event Midwinter Conference
Sunjata Wrenzaok
the Flood
Archon of King's End

Age: 34 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 15 - Strg: 76 - Dext: 73 - Endr: 75 - Luck: 79 - Int: 3
PETRONELLA - Mythical - Sea Panther
Played by: Skylark Offline
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Posts: 8,470 | Total: 14,497
MP: 4642
you know i'm gonna change, things just don't stay the same no more
All charm and suave, Sunjata grins to both Flora and Dantalion, about to comment on it before all hell starts to break loose.

And really, he’s more confused than anything. First of all, he hadn’t realized that Dahlia hadn’t been invited, and then Maea’s over there starting some kind of last stand. Tension fills the air and his gaze snaps to the child swapped between Deimos and Evie, and Hadama blocking the door, and he decides it’s up to him.

His gaze landing on Dahlia, the only smile offered for the woman, he immediately steps away from the spot picked, drifting over toward Dahlia with a smile of greeting and a chuckle. “It said it was a meeting for leaders, yeah?” He knows how it might look, but at the present moment it’s really a not here not now situation. One that certainly lends to an opportunity nobody has afforded.

So rather than decide to exclude the one woman you all are wary of, perhaps hear her out so we can enjoy the ball after?” Already he’s reaching for Dahlia, taking her hand and dipping his greeting toward her with all the suave Frey demigod charm he can afford (not manufactured thanks to his situation), but still one he affords anyway to try and alleviate the tension.

Leaning in a bit toward the Reaper, he clears his throat. “Forgive her, she must have forgotten herself.” He drawls, regarding Maea in particular, avoiding looking toward his ex as he says it and instead focusing all of his attention on Dahlia and smoothing the situation over.
you know i'm gonna break your fading heart
No permission needed for power play!
Feel free to use magic/force on Sunjata, without killing him <3
Sunjata speaks with an Australian accent and has a passive magic that makes him produce a subtle scent that matches exactly to whatever those around him most desire him to smell like.
Flora Kaito-Taliesin
the Doubletake
Owner of The Hanged Man / Queen of Torchline

Age: 21 | Height: 5'7" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 10 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 32 - Endr: 35 - Luck: 34 - Int: 1
SPICE - Mythical - Dragon (Ice Breath)
Played by: Odd Offline
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Posts: 1,214 | Total: 17,029
MP: 2609
Well, hot damn. Villain though she seemed, Dahlia was a smokeshow. About to nudge Sunjata and make some joke under her breath, the situation leaped the fucking shark and went from "hahahah wow #awkward, better luck with your next secret meeting" to "can Maea come back from the dead three times, stay tuned to find out" really fuckin' fast.

Swallowing, Flora shrunk back in her chair slightly, only to catch Hadama 's eye across the table. It was difficult to communicate what the fuck? and then HADAMA WHAT THE FUCK in a single glance, but gods if Flora didn't try.

Maybe he hadn't heard.

Glancing around to see Deimos also rising and Evie sliding in behind him with their newborn fucking son in her arms, Flora tried surreptitiously to fish out her compass and place it on the table. Coughing, as if she might get Evie 's attention, Flora would once again try the old silent-communication trick, hopefully with better results. This time, it was "take this if you gotta get out".

Watching on pins and needles as Sunjata swanned across the room to greet Dahlia, the Doubletake remained still and silent, ready to twist her invisibility ring and vanish at a moment's notice.
Everest Hart

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 7 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 25 - Luck: 5 - Int: 0
Played by: Odd Offline
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Posts: 907 | Total: 17,029
MP: 2609
About to reach out and take Dahlia 's coat as the queen entered, the aviator paused as their arrival seemed to ruffle a few feathers. Considering the situation silently as a good deal of posturing went on, it was only as Hadama rose to stand behind Maea that the aviator shook his head. "I can assure you, that isn't a good idea." He said politely, before once again reaching out for Dahlia, though this time tugging off her jacket so that they might simultaneously admire the way her gown hugged the curves of her body, as well as being assured that the queen was not going anywhere.

As Sunjata explained, the attuned nodded. "A meeting of leaders and their..entourage ?" Though it was very unlike him, something about Dahlia's presence had the aviator uncharacteristically prickly about the vocabulary used. "I am part of Stormbreak's council." He clarified, before nodding to Flora, the only other one in attendance that he knew.
I will not be brave
but i'm grateful to get through
Dahlia Inanis
the Reaper
Queen of Stormbreak

Age: 1 | Height: 5'8 | Race: f̴̢̠̅͆̄̍a̶̧͕͙̪͈̞̝̲̩̯̱͓̣̅́̎m̶̙̞̈́̍̓̏̓̿i̵͇͍̗̞͑͊̒̃̏̽̂͂͗̕͝͝l̵̢̛̤̞̜̭͈̻͕̳̱̞̭̼͗̎̆̎̀̌̓̑́̈́͝y̵̧͔̜̜͓̥̋̈́̐͛͋͂͠͠ | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 15 - Strg: 80 - Dext: 90 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 56 - Int: 3
Played by: Admin Offline
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Posts: 99 | Total: 3,323
MP: 0

My, but a lot happens all at once.

As Ancient and demigod posture themselves before her, one much more vocal than the other, and a great deal of surreptitious, shifting bodies occurs in the background, Dahlia concerns herself, with Everest's help, in the removal of her coat. Purring a thanks to her Spyglass, she adjusts her skirts just so, cerulean eyes flashing up with the intention of making her opinions quite clear--

Until Sunjata swoops in with his siren song, all tall, dark and placating, and an indulgent smile curls at the corners of the Reaper's full lips. "Brimming with decorum as always, Sunjata," she murmurs, allowing him to take her hand - one tipped dangerously with claws, not that the Flood has anything to fear.

And while Sunjata does successfully body block for the pale woman, still Dahlia's smile grows a touch coy as she glances over his shoulder at Maea. "Is that true?" she asks her. Did you forget yourself in my presence?
let me put my lips to something
let me wrap my teeth around the world
Code blatently stolen from queen of codes, Sky!
Maea Valair

Age: 30 | Height: 156 cm / 5'1 ft | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 6 - Strg: 25 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 26 - Luck: 24 - Int:
Played by: Chan Offline
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Posts: 3,631 | Total: 6,510
MP: 1867
My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on the limb
Tension thickened in the room. The silence was deafening, screaming the truth of her mistake louder than any words could have. Subtle shuffling behind her brought a terrible realization of the danger she had brought not only to herself, but to everyone else in the room. Her friends, her allies, a former lover, a child... gods, why did they bring an infant to a fucking meeting? Hadama's presence behind her was an alarm bell going off in her head rather than a bulwark of support, but though she knew she had to do something, her mind had gone blank.

Purple eyes turned on her and even though her back stiffened and her cheeks flushed with something that might have been humiliating or even irritation when Sunjata stepped in, all that really went through her mind was that she didn't want to die, didn't want to die, didn't want to die...

And Evie's son was in the room. Infinitely more precious than her own damnable pride.

"... yes. As no one else is voicing objections, it would seem that I am indeed mistaken about your welcome here." Somehow she managed to unfurl her hands from the tight fists they had balled into, and as if this was yet another sentient book story she needed to play along with, Maea affected a deep bow."Please accept my deepest apology."
And I remember thinking — I want to be like them
♦ Violence, magic, thievery is permitted with Maea at all times. DM me if you have any ideas ♦
the Tidebreaker
King of the Merfolk / Chef

Age: 38 | Height: 6'6" | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 4 - Strg: 45 - Dext: 38 - Endr: 50 - Luck: 51 - Int: 0
Played by: Cirago Offline
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Posts: 1,507 | Total: 7,770
MP: 3830
Hadama had no illusions about anyone getting out the door while Dahlia remained standing. Her arrival made escape a difficult undertaking all around no matter where she was in the confined space, but he kept his thoughts to himself, tucked silently behind his green eyes. He heard the shuffle of movement behind him but his gaze remained, calm and steady, on the guests who had arrived uninvited, until Sunjata made his move.

He really was a charming man, and even Hadama's brow lifted in a slight arch as the Flood offered a way out for all involved. His expression smoothed back to stoic neutrality and his attention returned to Dahlia and Maea as the Reaper accepted Sunjata's peace offering and the Diplomat lived up to her title.

With a slow nod to Stormbreak's leader he stepped aside and lifted his hand to rest it lightly on Maea's shoulder. "Perhaps some air," he rumbled quietly, "will help to clear our heads. Will you join me outside for a few minutes?"
the Maverick
Theocrat of the Hollowed Grounds

Age: 36 | Height: 6'0 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 5 - Strg: 19 - Dext: 21 - Endr: 20 - Luck: 21 - Int:
MOIRA - Regular - Crow
Played by: Honey Online
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Posts: 1,010 | Total: 17,621
MP: 1901
// you knew who I was //
Well, you see? All's well that ends well.

Parting his lips to speak only to hear Hadama's voice come out instead, the Maverick tilts his head at the Tidebreaker curiously for a long few moments, before deciding that the Reaper's presence has caused enough of a stir without him ruffling any more feathers.


Instead, clearing his throat and promising to have more than a few words with his own Ambassador when the time is right, he steps away from the fire and gestures for Dahlia to enter the room properly and sit - and for the rest of them to do the same.

"Deimos, much as I appreciate your infant on display, I fear that if he interrupts this meeting, I will also start to bawl," he drawls to the Sword. "Besides, only one Warden is needed to speak and listen, no?"

And would you look at that - even the seemingly laissez-faire Maverick can give a code for haha get your child out of danger.

"Anyway - this meeting is to improve and strengthen relations between all of us, or so Kiada will have you believe, since I had her read the letter she wrote to me. I for one want to know if there's any way Ancients can have a little home-away-from-home in Halo."
// with every step that I ran to you //
Horns: Diamond - they look very similar to #2 in this image.
Deimos Ignatius
the Resurrected Sword
Warden of Halo / Guildmaster

Age: 34 | Height: 6'4" | Race: Hybrid | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Halo
Level: 14 - Strg: 74 - Dext: 74 - Endr: 75 - Luck: 80 - Int: 3
BELIAL - Mythical - Peryton (Blend) ZURIEL - Mythical - Unicorn (Healing)
Played by: Heather Offline
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Posts: 6,869 | Total: 11,145
MP: 6429
ache first, but then let the cuts close
spit out the blood
Maea should’ve been groveling at Sunjata’s feet for the way he orchestrated motions – Deimos would be thanking him some other time, after dust settled and safety was guaranteed. His jaw clenched and flexed, watching the proceedings with a keen gaze, calculating movements and motions, a careful and rapt study as Dahlia came forward. He watched Flora out of the corner of his eye, a grateful nod extended to her, another acknowledgment and notion needing to be rectified later. And then Evie and Erebos's presence, behind him, blocked and shielded as necessary.

For now, there seemed to be only the flair of a purpose long since drawn out and quartered, and they’d all have to be sharing pretenses. Hadama’s actions earned another note in the back of his mind, and so the Sword found himself wondering what they were supposed to be doing while the ambassador made some grand escape. With an inward snort and continued blocking of both Evie and Erebos, he gave a nod of his head in some measure of decorum to Dahlia, before fixing his eyes on Maea, since she’d gotten them all into this mess. He wouldn't be forgetting, even if Danta drew the attention to himself.

It seemed between Flora and the Ancient though, his family was excused, and his wife could either use the compass casually, or salute her way out the door. He only gave a nod in response in regards to that notion, and the hint of a joke or seriousness. Depended on how they all wanted to take it. "Could make you all jackets."
watch your body pull itself back together
then let your soul do the same
Evie Ignatius
the Evergreen
Warden of Halo / Apothecarist

Age: 35 | Height: 5'5 | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Halo
Level: 8 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 20 - Endr: 30 - Luck: 30 - Int:
MICAH - Regular - Tide Jaguar
Played by: Brit Offline
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Posts: 1,299 | Total: 6,505
MP: 8062
I dreamt in the sound of your voice

and bathed in the color of your love
Evie's eyes are taken from Deimos' broad back toward Flora as a soft noise is uttered, and her heart swells until it nearly breaks with sudden emotion for this young woman she hardly knows. Her mind briefly takes her back to Cordelia - one of her own citizens - fleeing the Citadel gates in the middle of a siege while Evie engaged the banshee that had wounded her with nothing but a shield and the determination to keep safe the woman that abandoned her without a second glance. The family had insisted it was to uphold a vow to remain alive no matter the cost - claiming her cowardice was somehow courageous. But what is true courage if not this? To give Evie and her son an escape that closes off that avenue entirely for Flora, while the greatest threat they know stands in the room with them? They scarcely know one another, and yet this young woman who has so much to lose and so much ahead of her offers salvation without a moment's hesitation?

As words unravel and a different avenue of freedom is secured, Evie's eyes don't leave Flora's. She reaches, and her hand gently moves the compass back into the Doubletake's hand, keeping it concealed by smoothing her fingers up the woman's hand to squeeze her wrist as if that was the initial plan. Keep it. Use it yourself. And beneath that, the Evergreen's blue eyes are veritable oceans of gratitude.

Dantalion's well-concealed chivalry prompts much the same. She scarcely knows him either, bear trap stories aside, but Evie can affect a mean-girl persona with the best of them. Sniffing in offense, nose to the ceiling, Evie peers at him from the corner of her eye as she walks past her husband - brushing his elbow in one last touch - and tucks Erebos closer to her chest. "He is also my infant, though mothers never get any of the credit," she huffs, following in Maea's and Hadama's wake. "Good luck getting him to do the speaking portion, there's a reason there's two of us." The humor would land better if it wasn't so fake, but all the best lies and performances have some kernel of truth, and Deimos' brand of diplomacy is rather straightforward.

As she moves past the group in the entryway her heart nearly bursts, and though she doesn't hold the same disdain for Sunjata she knows her life - all their lives - are currently in his palms, and trusting him to be the closest capable of intervening as she makes her exit is not something she's truly capable of. As she walks out she hears her husband's last, dry comment, and she disappears into the snow - away from Hadama and Maea - praying to every god that's never listened to her before that it won't be the last time she hears him at all.

- Evie out!
And The most beautiful thought
Is the fact that I have always loved you
Sunjata Wrenzaok
the Flood
Archon of King's End

Age: 34 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 15 - Strg: 76 - Dext: 73 - Endr: 75 - Luck: 79 - Int: 3
PETRONELLA - Mythical - Sea Panther
Played by: Skylark Offline
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Posts: 8,470 | Total: 14,497
MP: 4642
you know i'm gonna change, things just don't stay the same no more
Sorry, I assume council would be included as well,” he flashes an easy and charming smile toward Everest, given that the two regions he knows to have a council have part of it included. The Flood, however, has no council to include. Either way, his steel gaze is focused on Dahlia and relieving the situation, his hands unafraid of the claws that poke out as he does take her hand, hearing that purr that does truly soothe some appreciation deep within, but his charm remains on full display. “I wouldn’t be me without it, would I?” He comments on his decorum, as if it was any other conversation.

He doesn’t move just yet, not as she peers over his shoulder toward Maea and he hopes she gets the picture, to which the Ambassador does, and while Hadama and her start to figure out the ‘getting some air situation’, Sunjata does start to move, his hand curving into a partial shift of claws and armor to match her own, a slight change to his dragon shift, despite her not having anything to fear either, guiding her in and toward the side away from the entrance like it’s a true conversation amongst governments, though it does help to ensure the door is free.

Remaining at Dahlia’s side, his attention flickers to Dantalion for the commentary and potential question, gaze drifting toward Evie to see whether she remained or departed and listens to Deimos’ comment as the Evergreen does indeed step out with the infant in her arms.

And I would like to use this time to say that while King’s End is still new, we do now have an option to trade for any interested.” His accented voice rumbles out, glancing around the crowd of leaders to see what their opinions might be regarding it.
you know i'm gonna break your fading heart
No permission needed for power play!
Feel free to use magic/force on Sunjata, without killing him <3
Sunjata speaks with an Australian accent and has a passive magic that makes him produce a subtle scent that matches exactly to whatever those around him most desire him to smell like.
Flora Kaito-Taliesin
the Doubletake
Owner of The Hanged Man / Queen of Torchline

Age: 21 | Height: 5'7" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 10 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 32 - Endr: 35 - Luck: 34 - Int: 1
SPICE - Mythical - Dragon (Ice Breath)
Played by: Odd Offline
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Posts: 1,214 | Total: 17,029
MP: 2609
Having never seen the Maverick in action before as a Theocrat, Flora had to admit that she was impressed. The situation certainly felt as though it was slowly diffusing, thanks to both Flood and Maverick, and as Evie was able to take the bait and make her way to leave, the Doubletake felt herself relax all the more.

"The Hanged Man is also back up and running, so next time anyone is in town, drinks are on me." Though this is said to the table at large, Flora does turn her gaze towards Dahlia with a flutter of her eyelashes. Reaching for her compass and stowing it away, the Doubletake smiled at the Reaper before settling back fully into her chair.
Everest Hart

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11" | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 7 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 25 - Luck: 5 - Int: 0
Played by: Odd Offline
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Posts: 907 | Total: 17,029
MP: 2609
Folding Dahlia 's coat neatly over his arm, the Spyglass eyed both Hadama and Maea in turn. The temperature in the room had certainly risen, and though there were only a few who would be able to hear him, still the Spyglass reached out through the attuned bond. You would be smart not to try and call her bluff, for it isn't one. Given his position at her side and despite his normally meek nature, Dahlia's presence had straightened the attuned's spine considerably.

Reaching for the door to allow Evie her exit—Halo's other warden was still present, and despite his violet allegiance Everest had no desire to see a child harmed—he let the door click gently behind the Wintergreen before setting his gaze upon Dahlia awaiting further instruction.
I will not be brave
but i'm grateful to get through
Dahlia Inanis
the Reaper
Queen of Stormbreak

Age: 1 | Height: 5'8 | Race: f̴̢̠̅͆̄̍a̶̧͕͙̪͈̞̝̲̩̯̱͓̣̅́̎m̶̙̞̈́̍̓̏̓̿i̵͇͍̗̞͑͊̒̃̏̽̂͂͗̕͝͝l̵̢̛̤̞̜̭͈̻͕̳̱̞̭̼͗̎̆̎̀̌̓̑́̈́͝y̵̧͔̜̜͓̥̋̈́̐͛͋͂͠͠ | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Stormbreak
Level: 15 - Strg: 80 - Dext: 90 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 56 - Int: 3
Played by: Admin Offline
Change author:
Posts: 99 | Total: 3,323
MP: 0

The gathered crowd settles considerably under @sunjata’s direction, following his lead in a way that has Dahlia eyeing him with approval, and she nods to Everest as she takes the Flood’s offered arm. ”Perhaps you would like to take some air with them as well?” she suggests to her Spyglass, glancing back towards where both Maea and Hadama are making a hasty exit. ”You may find it quite enlightening.”

Allowing Sunjata to lead her further into the room - and allowing Evie her exit as well, Dahlia sits herself comfortably down into a chair and smiles indulgently at the definitely-legitimate-meeting-agenda that spills from the lips of the assorted leadership present. ”Very nicely done,” she purrs to the Flood, of having items to trade in King’s End, also inclining her head to Flora. ”I will be sure to stop by.”

As for Stormbreak, well. ”I trust any pertinent updates from my region will come to you via Vox,” she says. ”But it is certainly something, to see all of you gathered together like this. A rarity, some would say. Why, imagine if something were to happen to all of us here and now? All of Caido’s leaders, gone in a blink.”
let me put my lips to something
let me wrap my teeth around the world
Code blatently stolen from queen of codes, Sky!
Maea Valair

Age: 30 | Height: 156 cm / 5'1 ft | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 6 - Strg: 25 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 26 - Luck: 24 - Int:
Played by: Chan Offline
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Posts: 3,631 | Total: 6,510
MP: 1867
My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on the limb
She was ignored. Summarily and utterly dismissed like she was nothing but a moth fluttering in the air. Her back remained ramrod straight as she slowly rose from the box, and beneath Hadama's hand her shoulder was quaking with pent up sentiment.

Saying nothing she allowed him to lead her put of the room and up the stairs. Behind them, Danta picked up the host's mantle she'd so spectacularly dropped, and rumbling voices answering meant that the meeting was moving forward. A semblance of one, at least.
Evie whisked past them on the way towards the Atheneum exit. The Evergreen didn't even look at her, and something tightened in her throat - a brittle, thorny something that had a chill settle over her. Had she lost a friend today?

"You know what? No. Stop." Shrugging off Hadama's hand, Maea veered away from the door and turned off to wander in amongst the bookshelves instead, meaning to circle back and return to the office. Her office. Her hands shook violently but for all that she expected her head to erupt into chaos any moment, it remained painfully, utterly clear. "I'm not leaving them in there with that - that - "

Monster. That was the word she was looking for.
And I remember thinking — I want to be like them
♦ Violence, magic, thievery is permitted with Maea at all times. DM me if you have any ideas ♦

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