Key Quest but it wasn't alright
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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Posts: 2,151 | Total: 7,757
MP: 3825
And it had all been going so well.

Admittedly, he hadn't really been paying attention to the environmental fallout of his attacks and he'd feel really dumb about that later, but for the moment he was too busy feeling like a ton of bricks had fallen on him as a tentacle finally succeeded in hitting his ship and swatting him from the sky like a bug. He managed to bring the Peregrine down under just enough control that she didn't shatter, but she wouldn't be flying again anytime soon and the courier himself wasn't in much better shape.

He groaned as he pulled himself from the wreckage, a cut over his brow from a broken spar sending blood over one eye and making him look a lot worse than he was. Probably. The bruises were pretty deep but nothing felt broken as the courier turned towards the voice in the water that was berating him, of all things?? Tal scowled, but before he could react further a couple of familiar voices were cutting through his daze and bringing him back into full awareness.

Flora, praying, and reminding him that he didn't have to do this alone.

And Noah, coming to lend a hand that was sorely appreciated right then.

"I'll live," he assured the Forsake, hauling himself up with a groan. "Lemme just--"

He took a deep breath and then added his prayers to Flora's, whose voice was definitely not coming from the weirdly frozen Doubletake down the beach from him, but maybe the fall had affected his vision? "What she said, Rae!" he called to the twin god. "Uh, please?"

Tal gets back on his feet beside Noah and adds his prayer to Flora's to try and channel Rae to clean up his mess!

Accepted Channeling: Allows an Accepted the opportunity to channel one of the gods during a time of crisis (2x a season). Can be combined with other accepted channeling to increase power. If combined with another mastered channeling, increases the odds of a Big God answering to 15 %
Type: Light | Rank: Mastered

Type: Grey | Style: Defensive | Level: Mastered
Rockhide Vest | An armoured vest flecked in black and white and lined with cool, fur-like material. This item blocks physical damage. Requires a 2 post cool-down between uses.

Type: Grey | Style: Defensive | Level: Upgraded
Hands off! | Silver striping covers the Rockhide Vest. When successfully struck in melee combat it deals lightning damage at half the wearer's damage stat.

Age: 8 | Height: | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: - Strg: - Dext: - Endr: - Luck: - Int:
Played by: Admin Offline
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Posts: 551 | Total: 3,321
MP: 0
Appearing in a tangle of sea spray and vines, Frey regarded the Void Horror with eyes that shifted with ever-changing appearance but with the same stare of unease. "I wouldn't want that in my waters, either." They agreed in a low voice.

All at once the tangle of the creature's limbs began to move and knot together. With so little health left this was enough to drain all remaining life from its strange body, but not before Frey had tied off all of its loose ends so that no more of its poison could seep into Torchline's waters.

Age: 7 | Height: | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: - Strg: - Dext: - Endr: - Luck: - Int:
Played by: Admin Offline
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Posts: 855 | Total: 3,321
MP: 0
As Frey knots the creature around itself, a large wave, compliments of Hadama, shoves the ball of void-grossness onto the shore....only for it to be shoved back into the water by Noah 's blast. Flora is once again struck by the force of the Foresaken's attack, but as the dust settles, everyone is alive (except the Void Horror), and though it's back in the water, at least it isn't bleeding any more poison into the ocean.

Something should be done about it as there are enough organic parts that once it begins to decompose it's likely to become even more horrific, but for now, you're all safe.

You can each add a closing post and then the thread will be FIN'd

As a reward, you will each receive:

Jar of Corruption | A single-use jar that contains sludge from a Void Horror. When used, it will infect the first creature or plant that it lands on.

Also you'll all probably have nightmares.

1. Flora 237/350
2. Hadama 200/200
3. Noah 530/530
4. Talyson 461/605

**The Peregrine cannot be flown until a PQ is completed to patch her up!

Void Horror: 0/820 (***Killed by Flora/Talyson for levelling purposes).

Void Horror (Rare) : A creature composed entirely of void energy that utilizes the body parts of things it digests in order to navigate its environment such that it has no fixed physical features and can grow to any size.

Please post your characters arriving and taking their first action, and in your summary list whatever non-items they are bringing with them (anything on your profile is automatically assumed to be with you). Items not listed cannot be used later.

Remember to include a summary at the bottom of your post with all action taken. If weapons/upgrades/abilities/items/shifts/etc are used, please include their desc. from your profile at the bottom of your post as well.

REMEMBER: KQs are rewarding but dangerous. They may cause death and/or permanent changes to your characters.
Code blatently stolen from queen of codes, Sky!
Flora Kaito-Taliesin
the Doubletake
Owner of The Hanged Man / Queen of Torchline

Age: 21 | Height: 5'7" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 10 - Strg: 30 - Dext: 32 - Endr: 35 - Luck: 34 - Int: 1
SPICE - Mythical - Dragon (Ice Breath)
Played by: Odd Offline
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Posts: 1,171 | Total: 16,943
MP: 2609
you look like my next mistake
Still unable to see Noah, as Flora was once again blasted by unseen magic, it was with an exasperated, "What the FUCK—" that she tugged off her own invisibility item in time to watch the Void Horror drift back out to the water. Having not been at the mini event gathering where Noah's atomic roar was first demonstrated (to everyone else present, as it happened), Flora was still under the impression that it had been the Void Horror who'd twice attacked her.

Still caring more about Torchline than she did the courier, the Doubletake limped to the water's edge where she plucked up her pocket mirror before waving her arms at the ocean as if somehow Hadama might see her. No doubt he'd been the one who'd shoved the monstrosity ashore, so hopefully he could do it again.

"Tal, are you dead?" Flora yelled over one shoulder as she swept her aqua gaze toward where the courier was laying. "I can get Ronin over here to heal you right now if you are, but if not we can walk to the Fountain once this fucking this is out of the water."
the Tidebreaker
King of the Merfolk / Chef

Age: 38 | Height: 6'6" | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 4 - Strg: 45 - Dext: 38 - Endr: 50 - Luck: 51 - Int: 0
Played by: Cirago Offline
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Posts: 1,503 | Total: 7,757
MP: 3825
Frey's appearance was ray of sunshine in a day of horrors and the god's neat handling of the Toxic Avenger released some of the tension that knotted the Tidebreaker's chest in spite of his outward calm. He still worked to push the carcass out of the water, intending to be better safe than sorry--

When Noah's Roar pushed the beast right back into the ocean. Hadama drew a slow breath in through his gills and then out once more, and was glad to turn his attention to the Queen who popped into sight on the shore. He raised his equine head and flicked his webbed ears in a splash of silent understanding before bending his Water Magic once more to use another wave to push the beast back to the shore, this time for good.

He did not want to think of what would have happened if Frey had not tied off the leaking limbs before Noah pushed it back into the water. It had not happened, and there was no time to dwell on unnecessary might-have-beens.
Noah Olson
the Forsaken

Age: 35 | Height: 6'2 | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Halo
Level: 10 - Strg: 51 - Dext: 51 - Endr: 53 - Luck: 53 - Int: 1
EIRA - Mythical - Griffin (Venom) VI’ADORE - Mythical - Unicorn (Healing)
Played by: Time Offline
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Posts: 2,089 | Total: 2,494
MP: 1325
It creeps in like a thief in the night
Without a sign, without a warning
As soon as the creature fell, Noah pulled his hood down. He held his position in protection of Talyson, but with the death of the creature and the appearance of the queen, Noah settled slightly. But his hands shook with the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Also unable to see Flora for the majority of the time, Noah hadn’t noticed her being pushed back at the mercy of his magic at all. But when she came up and offered Ronin, he interjected gently, ”No need. For healing, at least.” then ignited the dome around them all. Celestial magic covered them all, ready to fix muscle and bone and bruises as needed. Even from damage he caused.

”But maybe we call them to help dispose of this thing.” he followed up, pointing to the thing. A leviathan or a kraken would be much better to take it away. ”It shouldn’t stay here. Who knows what it can do.” The Forsaken sounded as if he was afraid it might come back to life.

Noah heals and says they need to dispose of this horror creature.

Magic: Divine Opposition | Noah summons a celestial shield dome in a 60ft radius. Any allies within the shield receive Mastered Healing, and any enemies are damaged at an Mastered level. May be used 3x per thread with a two post cool down.
Type: Light | Rank: Mastered
But we are ready and prepared to fight
Raise up your swords, don't be afraid
Talyson Seawright
the Messenger

Age: 28 | Height: 5'10" | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 12 - Strg: 53 - Dext: 55 - Endr: 60 - Luck: 55 - Int: 2
BOREAL - Mythical - Dragon (Fire Breath)
Played by: Cirago Offline
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Posts: 2,151 | Total: 7,757
MP: 3825
Well thank fuck Frey for large miracles! Even if seeing that particular god right now made Tal wince a little and duck his head in shame. He would have edged behind Noah if he could have seen the Halovian, but things were moving pretty fast at that point and the next thing he knew it was all over but the looting.

"I ain't dead yet," Tal called back assurance to Flora, then exhaled a big breath of relief as Noah's magic washed over him. A twist of his own ring finished topping him up, but he looked sadly at his ship, resting his hand on a piece of her cracked hull as his expression turned morose. Noah's suggestion of moving the giant carcass drew a faint shake of the courier's head. "Sure, but where else can we shift it that won't be just as bad? I dunno. From what we saw at th'Lighthouse, I'd say cut it up an' burn it," he suggested to anyone who would listen.

But it wasn't his region to clean up or his giant monster to worry about anymore. He stroked the Peregrine's rail as if comforting a wounded animal. "I mean, I'll help. It's at least partly my fault it was oozin' everywhere. Just lemme get the ol' girl patched up a bit first."


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