calling all the wildflowers i know
Hawthorn Mercer

Age: 23 | Height: 5'11 | Race: Abandoned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 1 - Strg: 9 - Dext: 14 - Endr: 12 - Luck: 10 - Int:
Played by: Skylark Offline
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Posts: 139 | Total: 14,570
MP: 4842
// i am heaven sent, don't you dare forget —
The hand at Mateo’s throat loosens the second the tension breaks within Thorn, panting and pressing hard into the other man’s back, the courtesan shivers with the lips in his hair and they slowly start to part even if Thorn’s legs feel like lead. Skin flushed but content, a playful smirk tugs on his face as they both reorient themselves and he hears Mateo’s voice, practically preening in the twitch of his lips into a broader smirk. “You definitely will.” He assures the botanist as he shifts a little to twist and rest against the table, still working to catch his breath.

The rooms change to whatever y’want, so, come with your biggest imagination ‘n we can have more fun.” He flashes a wink, reaching over to run his hand along Mateo’s jaw lightly in a touch of promise before he withdraws to look around fully now, until he’s comfortable enough to slip his clothes back on and hopefully get a room for the night now that this had taken some time.

— FIN <33
— i am all you've ever wanted,
what all the other boys all promised //

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