Plot Advancing PQ i can make the bad guys good for a weekend
Isla Lockwood
the Remedy

Age: 32 | Height: 5'7 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 5 - Strg: 28 - Dext: 30 - Endr: 30 - Luck: 27 - Int:
Played by: Honey Offline
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Posts: 2,425 | Total: 17,543
MP: 1901

"I look forward to hearing your review," Isla smirks and shakes her head, before busying herself with marking dimensions and laying out the wood. "Oh, we met in a market in Haulani. He'd just come down from the Climb and was looking for some clothes. We went for tea afterwards." And hilariously, it's exactly as she says - nothing untoward, nothing gossip-worthy. A duchess and a gentleman and all that.

As for channelling Ronin to do their hard work, the Remedy does flash Flora a fanged grin at that, but straightens up and folds her arms. "I think we could probably do it between us," she challenges. "But if we fail, we can keep him as a failsafe? Just point out where you want the canal to be, and I'll get to work."

Or more precisely, the tiger within her will.

Isla chooses girl power!
apres moi le deluge
after me comes the flood

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RE: i can make the bad guys good for a weekend - by Isla - 05-13-2024, 01:25 PM

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