Personal Quest Wild Hunt
Maea Valair

Age: 30 | Height: 156 cm / 5'1 ft | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 6 - Strg: 25 - Dext: 24 - Endr: 26 - Luck: 24 - Int:
Played by: Chan Offline
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Posts: 3,621 | Total: 6,500
MP: 1867
An ordinary, single wolf did not have much of a hope against the three Ancient beings. The dagger aimed true and lodged itself into the front of its chest before it could do more than snarl at them, and the startled yelp grew into a pained yowl as fire erupted from the maws of the fyrhund. Barely had the pack leader fallen to the ground before the white gore crow swooped down to menace the two bystanders; her talons gouged deep wounds in the back of one, and it took off into the woods with its sibling close behind.

Gently steaming in the cold air, the wolf stirred feebly. Landing, Maea shifted into her molten tiger form and set upon its throat to end its suffering. Flicking her striped tail contentedly, there was more than enough room for the others to join her; now came the best part of the entire hunt.

Last round!

The wolf did not stand a chance. Its pack fled and Maea helped put it out of its misery. Go ahead and eat your fill!
Light is easy to love
Show me your darkness
♦ Violence, magic, thievery is permitted with Maea at all times. DM me if you have any ideas ♦

Messages In This Thread
Wild Hunt - by Maea - 06-15-2024, 05:03 AM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Thalassa - 06-15-2024, 05:14 AM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Fox - 06-15-2024, 11:12 AM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Maea - 06-16-2024, 08:39 PM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Thalassa - 06-17-2024, 02:33 AM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Fox - 06-17-2024, 05:11 PM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Maea - 06-17-2024, 05:44 PM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Fox - 06-17-2024, 05:49 PM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Thalassa - 06-17-2024, 11:20 PM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Maea - 06-19-2024, 05:23 AM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Thalassa - 06-19-2024, 06:18 AM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Fox - 06-19-2024, 06:43 PM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Maea - 06-19-2024, 07:00 PM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Fox - 06-19-2024, 07:29 PM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Thalassa - 06-19-2024, 11:29 PM
RE: Wild Hunt - by Maea - 06-20-2024, 06:57 AM

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