[RQ] [SE] But wait—there’s myrrh
RQ for Halo and Gift SE for Kiada
Deimos Ignatius
the Resurrected Sword
Warden of Halo / Guildmaster

Age: 34 | Height: 6'4" | Race: Hybrid | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Halo
Level: 14 - Strg: 74 - Dext: 74 - Endr: 75 - Luck: 80 - Int: 3
BELIAL - Mythical - Peryton (Blend) ZURIEL - Mythical - Unicorn (Healing)
Played by: Heather Online
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Posts: 6,858 | Total: 11,132
MP: 5754
what tried to destroy you
didn't have the strength
Deimos still had a difficult time resolving some of the traumatic events of the last few years; eerie reminders of things that could’ve, or had, been lost. While Kiada might’ve been able to shake some portions off easily, he was not such a creature – and while it didn’t run as deeply as it had done before, portions of those events would never truly go away. He kept his harsh reminders close, notched in his ribs, so as not to forget the pains, mistakes, and mishaps of the past. He’d rather not repeat them.

She seemed to take the suggestion in stride, and then their eyes were over figments that didn’t fracture. “Twice,” he mused. “Made for a nice mascot amidst all the mayhem.” Like fighting two demigods at once, Sah’s blunder, or Ru’s potency. His gaze finally hit upon the familiar marks of the creature, angled along the spine of the tome, and then wrapping around the cover. Snagging at it, and content with the way the board book had clearly been designed for the most rambunctious and beastly of children, he figured the indestructible facets would fit well along Erebos’ bookshelf.

“There. That should be enough.” Maneuvering that into his grasp as well, his gaze went back towards the Harpy as he made way to the shopkeeper. “Did you get everything you needed?” Afterwards, it’d be only the quest requirements for their regions.
still you stand
sturdy and smelling of smoke

Messages In This Thread
[RQ] [SE] But wait—there’s myrrh - by Deimos - 05-28-2024, 10:06 PM
RE: [RQ] [SE] But wait—there’s myrrh - by Deimos - 06-20-2024, 10:00 PM

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