[RQ] [SE] But wait—there’s myrrh
RQ for Halo and Gift SE for Kiada
Kiada Njovu-Reyes
Hollowed Grounds Registrar

Age: 31 | Height: 5’7 | Race: Ancient | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: 3 - Strg: 18 - Dext: 20 - Endr: 29 - Luck: 22 - Int:
Played by: Skylark Offline
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Posts: 1,785 | Total: 14,471
MP: 4642
the harpy
Nodding in agreement, Kiada stifles a soft laugh from behind her gloved hand. “We kept it in Danta’s office. He never stopped complaining.” In hindsight, they probably could have found better places for it, but her amusement in seeing the shift in Danta’s face every time he passed by was certainly one that Kiada couldn’t help but to recall if she were ever feeling low. Sorry Danta.

Creatures flit to and fro, though, bird wings flapping and garnering attention, and Kiada follows dutifully as he offers her the cage to help in the capture of it. The idea and intentions are clear enough for her, but she appreciates the quiet whisper nonetheless, nose wrinkling as the dread raven comes into view.

She does as required, keeping the cage open and high enough to hopefully make it easy for the bird to swoop on in before closing it – a much easier way than her and Fox had to do it. (They’d used a net and towels to trap the creature).
all bright things must burn
Kiada has a large X scar on the right side of her neck.
No permission needed for power play!
Feel free to use magic/force on Kiada, without killing her <3

Messages In This Thread
[RQ] [SE] But wait—there’s myrrh - by Deimos - 05-28-2024, 10:06 PM
RE: [RQ] [SE] But wait—there’s myrrh - by Kiada - 06-23-2024, 04:32 PM

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