asked the moon for orchids
RQ turn-in
Remi Taliesin
the Bastion

Age: 32 | Height: 5'11 | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 15 - Strg: 70 - Dext: 65 - Endr: 101 - Luck: 110 - Int: 3
ORIA - Mythical - Spriggan (Ghost)
Played by: Odd Offline
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Posts: 11,274 | Total: 18,909
MP: 2149

maybe i'm a runaway train, maybe i'm a feather in a hurricane
It had taken the Alchemist a few days before he had the energy to climb the lighthouse steps to where Safrin's shrine lay waiting. Not only because of the horrors of LongNight and what it had done to his husband, but because he was oh so very weary of the goddess's tricks and demands of his family. Would she say they had not done enough? Would there be more that she asked of Torchline? Such might have been reasonable enough, but Remi was already so very close to his breaking point with Safrin, that was there anyone at all who would have care about his thoughts on the matter, he would have prayed fervently to them.

With those who wanted to join him holding their lit candles as before, Remi knelt by the goddess's altar and closed his eyes. "Safrin, we have done what you asked. And now, with the light having returned to our sands, we ask for the people of Torchline to be reunited with the canals."

Feel free to join! You'll be skipped in posting order.
maybe it's a long gray game, but maybe that's a good thing
Speaks with a thick Italian accent.
Force and magic can be used against Remi without permission.
Sunjata Wrenzaok
the Flood
Archon of King's End

Age: 35 | Height: 6'5 | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: King's End
Level: 15 - Strg: 76 - Dext: 73 - Endr: 75 - Luck: 81 - Int: 3
PETRONELLA - Mythical - Sea Panther
Played by: Skylark Offline
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Posts: 8,641 | Total: 15,824
MP: 8542

what's harder, harder to fake? that you want me to stay, or that you want me to stay the same
for you? chained to a lie. who's to blame? let it die. we're the same
He’s thankful that he picked a home so close to the shrine, because he’s still really in no position to go quite far yet in his adventure of still healing. But he doesn’t want to miss it, partly because Safrin’s his chosen deity and he’d always choose to go somewhere just on the off chance of seeing her, and partly because he’d helped make those canals that they’re trying to complete.

So he makes his way there, slight limps in his steps, a slight curve of his back as he tries to not cater to the burns on his shoulder and side and being unable to. But he makes it up there, hangs on the inside of the entrance for some sort of support to lean against, eyes immediately drifting from the shrine to Remi as he knees, Sunjata clutching the lit candle and waiting, exhausted and tired, but hopeful it would all work out.
No permission needed for power play!
Feel free to use magic/force on Sunjata, without killing him <3
Sunjata speaks with an Australian accent and has a passive magic that makes him produce a subtle scent that matches exactly to whatever those around him most desire him to smell like.
Remi Taliesin
the Bastion

Age: 32 | Height: 5'11 | Race: Demi-god | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 15 - Strg: 70 - Dext: 65 - Endr: 101 - Luck: 110 - Int: 3
ORIA - Mythical - Spriggan (Ghost)
Played by: Odd Offline
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Posts: 11,274 | Total: 18,909
MP: 2149

maybe i'm a runaway train, maybe i'm a feather in a hurricane
That fewer arrived this time was...interesting. Remi didn't give much thought to it though, chalking it up to monsoon-season preparation. All the hard work had been done already; perhaps Torchline simply wanted to reap the benefits than stand on ceremony for Safrin. Or, perhaps they simply didn't care. This was more for the merefolk anyways, and it wasn't as though they could be part of this.

With a nod to Sunjata (by the look of his face the pair should probably talk at some point), Remi looked towards the shrine, silently explaining all that they had collectively done to fulfill Safrin's requests of them.

Tasks. There is no time limit. There are currently 18 active Torchers. This means 9 unique characters have to participate. Characters can participate more than once. Sunjata, Remi, Ronin, and Raza must participate in at least 1 thread. Remi must participate in 2.

9 unique chars: Remi, Sunjata, Nate, Raza, Zephyr, Delta, Maru, Seren, Melita (more participated anyways)

1. A PQ of 6 Torchers moving earth around/general surveying (at least 4 rounds)
[PQ] [RQ] by hand Ronin, Sunjata, Nate, Zephyr, Remi
2. A thread of 3 torchers Doing what they can to make sure the native animal population won't' be hindered (at least 4 posts each)
[RQ] but a grin without a cat? Maru, Seren, Delta
3. 3 threads relocating businesses/path clearing (at least 3 posts per member)
[RQ] oldest rule in the book Remi, Zephyr, Elias
[RQ] minding your business Saiden, Eloise, Raza
[RQ] well meant mischief Nate, Sunjata, Jack

* 50% of those with Torchline as their citizenship must participate in at least 1 thread, contributing at least 3 posts. All members of government must participate. Leaders must participate twice.
maybe it's a long gray game, but maybe that's a good thing
Speaks with a thick Italian accent.
Force and magic can be used against Remi without permission.
Zephyr Kawaianu
Smuggler / Guildmaster

Age: 43 | Height: 5'10 | Race: Accepted | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Torchline
Level: 5 - Strg: 25 - Dext: 19 - Endr: 26 - Luck: 10 - Int:
KI - Regular - Panther Chamelon
Played by: shark Offline
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Posts: 680 | Total: 5,016
MP: 4755

see the sunset turning red let all be quiet in your head and look about
It's a long time since you visited a Shrine, but this seems like a good enough reason. Besides, you're trying to be more involved in your community or something (read: keep an eye on the damn Outlanders), and you've become personally invested in these canals. Stands to reason you'd want to turn up and see the things complete.

You expected a larger entourage for the Alchemist, not just Tallyata, but everyone else must be preparing for these things to inevitably flood. Slipping into the small room without a word, you lean against the back wall with your arms over your chest, feeling deeply conflicted as you wait for a damned goddess to appear.

Age: 4 | Height: | Race: Attuned | Nationality: Natural | Citizenship: Hollowed Grounds
Level: - Strg: - Dext: - Endr: - Luck: - Int:
Played by: Admin Offline
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Posts: 1,156 | Total: 3,526
MP: 435