[se] shadow and shine
Decor SE
Deimos Ignatius
the Resurrected Sword
Warden of Halo / Guildmaster

Age: 34 | Height: 6'4" | Race: Hybrid | Nationality: Outlander | Citizenship: Halo
Level: 14 - Strg: 74 - Dext: 74 - Endr: 75 - Luck: 80 - Int: 3
BELIAL - Mythical - Peryton (Blend) ZURIEL - Mythical - Unicorn (Healing)
Played by: Heather Online
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Posts: 6,861 | Total: 11,135
MP: 6429
Dare we know the halo's hanging low
Erebos looked up at his mother’s squeal with wide eyes and determination to match; uttering the same decibels but at an infant’s pace, before kicking away again. Deimos had enough time to shake his head at the combination of noises, but none to evade Evie’s grabbing hands – so she stilled while she gushed and raved. Snorting at the accumulation of emotions, his smile remained just the same, though hands were coiling the lights together across his hands, as if to spread them out somewhere.

Soon, the glowing motions of the gilded lights would be like a halo around Evie’s head, as she snagged at his pants and his lips; the laugh adorning her mouth in response would be enough to signify all the contentment in the world. For them, for Kiada and for Fox, and for things beyond the plain of Starfall and its inhabitants. Pausing and drawing back momentarily, he studied her, boyish smile stretching across his features (probably because he was making the lights now look like devil horns above her crimson crown). “You can write and ask if you would like. I have probably already harassed her enough.” And once Ru found out…

Letting that brief thought burst into a laugh as well, his eyes searched hers, a certain set of salvation grasping around his edges. “As for the Safrin news, she told me I no longer needed to bear the punishment of those that came before me. I can be healed now.”

Messages In This Thread
[se] shadow and shine - by Deimos - 05-07-2024, 10:45 PM
RE: [se] shadow and shine - by Evie - 05-19-2024, 11:31 PM
RE: [se] shadow and shine - by Deimos - 05-20-2024, 09:35 PM
RE: [se] shadow and shine - by Evie - 05-23-2024, 09:28 PM
RE: [se] shadow and shine - by Deimos - 05-23-2024, 10:40 PM
RE: [se] shadow and shine - by Evie - 06-17-2024, 07:12 PM
RE: [se] shadow and shine - by Deimos - 06-17-2024, 07:23 PM
RE: [se] shadow and shine - by Evie - 06-26-2024, 02:00 PM
RE: [se] shadow and shine - by Deimos - 06-26-2024, 05:06 PM

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