Aren't cloud spiders beautiful?
You might not have heard of them, but all across Hak Etme, these happy little critters float through the skies like balloons. They're usually contained to the desert, but as Longheat turns to Leafchange, a curious phenomenon occurs. Maybe Frey is giving nature a gentle nudge, or perhaps Ludo is starting its trickery early.
Whatever the reason, Hak Etme has been subject to some unexpectedly strong winds, and hundreds of cloud spiders - and hundreds of their egg sacs - have been blown from their native land! Picked up by errant breezes, gale force winds and all manner of other adverse weather, it's not long before all of Caido is infested blessed with these buoyant bugs.
How lovely! Right? Right?
There are more than lanterns to contend with this Leafchange.
Welcome to Leafchange 316 PC! If you're interested in the weather for your region during this time, please visit our SEASONS page!
This event will run from July 1 to August 31. All requirements must be met to complete the event. Multiple characters can participate, but the threads do not carry across! (I.E. Both characters must complete all threads to gain +2 stats each).
Please include {SE} somewhere in your thread title. Once all requirements are met, post them here with your OOC account, linking the necessary threads and where you'd like your +2 stats to be allocated! Threads must be archived before the end of the season in order to be accepted.
1. Make some new memories and complete a thread in a place you haven't yet explored!
2. Complete a thread creating a lantern in memory of someone who has passed away. (If you already have a lantern, complete a thread cleaning it up/updating it!)
3. Complete a thread clearing up cloud spider silk with someone you haven't met yet.
4. Complete a thread catching a cloud spider and disposing of it (this may be by releasing or killing it - that's up to you monsters).
5. Complete a thread camping out under the stars with someone.
6. Participate in the Festival of Lights by posting twice or more - this will occur towards the end of the season, and will be linked here when the time comes. Remember to bring your lanterns with you!
Cloud Spider (uncommon - Hak Etme) - Cloud spiders are truely a strange sight. Their gas filled abdomens allow them to float slowly across the desert. Cloud spiders hunt by launching their webbing to ranges up to 600 feet. Although each strand is as thin as silk, they are as strong as a steel cord. Strong enough, in fact, that careless wyrmlings have been entangled in cloud spiders’ webs.
You might not have heard of them, but all across Hak Etme, these happy little critters float through the skies like balloons. They're usually contained to the desert, but as Longheat turns to Leafchange, a curious phenomenon occurs. Maybe Frey is giving nature a gentle nudge, or perhaps Ludo is starting its trickery early.
Whatever the reason, Hak Etme has been subject to some unexpectedly strong winds, and hundreds of cloud spiders - and hundreds of their egg sacs - have been blown from their native land! Picked up by errant breezes, gale force winds and all manner of other adverse weather, it's not long before all of Caido is infested blessed with these buoyant bugs.
How lovely! Right? Right?
There are more than lanterns to contend with this Leafchange.
Welcome to Leafchange 316 PC! If you're interested in the weather for your region during this time, please visit our SEASONS page!
This event will run from July 1 to August 31. All requirements must be met to complete the event. Multiple characters can participate, but the threads do not carry across! (I.E. Both characters must complete all threads to gain +2 stats each).
Please include {SE} somewhere in your thread title. Once all requirements are met, post them here with your OOC account, linking the necessary threads and where you'd like your +2 stats to be allocated! Threads must be archived before the end of the season in order to be accepted.
1. Make some new memories and complete a thread in a place you haven't yet explored!
2. Complete a thread creating a lantern in memory of someone who has passed away. (If you already have a lantern, complete a thread cleaning it up/updating it!)
3. Complete a thread clearing up cloud spider silk with someone you haven't met yet.
4. Complete a thread catching a cloud spider and disposing of it (this may be by releasing or killing it - that's up to you monsters).
5. Complete a thread camping out under the stars with someone.
6. Participate in the Festival of Lights by posting twice or more - this will occur towards the end of the season, and will be linked here when the time comes. Remember to bring your lanterns with you!
Cloud Spider (uncommon - Hak Etme) - Cloud spiders are truely a strange sight. Their gas filled abdomens allow them to float slowly across the desert. Cloud spiders hunt by launching their webbing to ranges up to 600 feet. Although each strand is as thin as silk, they are as strong as a steel cord. Strong enough, in fact, that careless wyrmlings have been entangled in cloud spiders’ webs.